The way horror has been handled on TV has changed over the last decade. Where once, any horror shows would be delegated to a late-night, syndicated run. Now horror has gone mainstream, and has infiltrated TV as a result. The crazy part is that some of the horror TV we have gotten in the last few years has actually been superior to some of the stuff the big movie companies are putting out. In other words, don’t think just because horror is on TV that it will be bad or watered down. These five examples prove that is just not the case.
Being a huge fan of the series, when I first heard about this show, I was skeptical. Now we are a bit further in and not only do they do the character justice, but they get away with some stuff (gore wise) I never thought they would. Hannibal may look like a cash-in at quick glance, but spend an hour with the show and you realize it is anything but.
Also, Mads Mikkelsen brings a whole new level to Hannibal.
Can it get campy? Yes. Does it try a little too hard to be shocking sometimes? Yes. Is it sometimes bogged down by too many interconnected stories that don’t get properly flushed out? Yes. But you know what else American Horror Story is? Great fun. It is the Evil Dead of horror tv. It throws everything at you and just hopes you walk away, shaken, but laughing too.
Plus, this one is fun because they switch up the setting and main story every season, and more shows need to do cool stuff like that to keep things interesting. Finally, Jessica Lange owns on this show. Just owns.
We all know the argument. It isn’t same as comic, blah blah. Honestly, Walking Dead going in its own direction for show, game, and comic is brilliant. It gives you many ways and many eyes with which to look at this universe through. All unique to themselves. And if you think Walking Dead holds back because of being on TV, I can tell with you all confidence, it is far more violent that than the movie World War Z, and other PG-13centric horror you pay to go see.
If you like horror and don’t watch this show, that is a fail on your part.
Okay, this is about to get weird, because I have yet to see this show. Some people may want to cast stones as yell: how dare you?! The truth is, I get my tastes from my Dad when it comes to stuff like this, and he loves the show, so I am going on that. I have heard it is creepy, well written, and quite original from many other close sources as well. It also has Guillermo del Toro behind it, so it has to be good.
Odd to recommend something blindly, I know. But I have that much faith in del Toro and my pops.
The second season if this wildly unpredictable and dark show has just sprung up over on Netflix and I really recommend more people give it a go. It has a little something for everyone. While I do not want to ruin anything, (as there are lots of twists and turns), it is one of the more interesting (and at times, shocking) shows that not enough people watch, in my opinion.
Plus (say it with me this time, people) it has one of the best werewolf transformations ever put on film. I never get sick of reminding people that.
So you like horror? You like TV? Check out these five. They will not steer you wrong.
[Photo via NBC]
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