Finn and Han Solo to Appear in Star Wars Animated Series “Forces of Destiny”
Everyone’s favorite smuggler and Mr. “Big Deal” are not quite through with each other just yet. Despite the heart-rending loss of Solo in th
Everyone’s favorite smuggler and Mr. “Big Deal” are not quite through with each other just yet. Despite the heart-rending loss of Solo in th
It might seem insane to a lot of people that a single comic book would go for nearly a million dollars all on its own, but don’t underestimate comic boo
A lot of fans have been waiting of Audrey Horne to return and were initially disappointed when it took around 12 episodes to FINALLY catch sight of her. 12 ep
We seem to be getting a good taste of Sir Winston Churchill lately with an abundance of movies and even a TV show that depicts the character. But we believe w
The tagline on the trailer for Narcos 3 is “a new empire rises”. For all those who were skeptical that the show could live on after the dramatic fall and
Young and the Restless fans might not be overly thrilled with Phyllis and Billy right now. They are in a relationship with one another, yet their entire goal
It seems nowadays we have to bring everything back to life in some new way. We can’t just let the old shows and movies rest as they deserve. Heathers wa
The first week of college football is come and gone, and while we all know the NCAA is making a financial killing on the games, there are also the television
The Bold and the Beautiful fans are not surprised that Sheila is not falling for Ridge. She might be acting like it’s working for her, but what she̵
I think I can speak with and for a lot of people when I say how awesome it is that this group is coming back for a sequel. Ever since the first Super Troopers