17 Most Interesting Moments From The League Season 2

17 Most Interesting Moments From The League Season 2

The League is a show that from the start was very alarming with its vulgar and no boundaries humor that featured a heavy amount of improvisation as well. The League became famous for not only its beyond dark sense of humor and football knowledge but also its different approach to the married life, among many other things. The show circulates around a strange group of friends that you can never tell if they actually care about each other than also include one of the guys’ wife and brother. Thankfully, at this point in the show, we had been gifted a new cast regular in the form of Ruxin’s brother and he made for some of the absolutely most interesting moments of all time on The League starting with his season 2 first appearance. Below, we’ve compiled a list of the most interesting moments from The League season 2.

17. Rafi And His Sister

While Rafi is more closest associated with Ruxin, as his brother-in-law or Bro-Lo El Cuñado as the rest of the group calls him, he is specifically the brother of Ruxin’s wife and Rafi sure as hell doesn’t act like they’re related. Although Ruxin specifies that it only means brother in-law, the guys refer to him as this due to the dirty sounding nature of the word and Rafi being, well, dirty. As we start to see as the show progresses, Rafi always chooses to live in the worst of situations. While every single moment that involved Rafi was interesting, this moment in particular showed how he treats his sister even more strange than the average woman. Every single time Rafi appeared on screen, he somehow managed to surprise everyone by going to new heights and new lows.

16. What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Andre

For 16th on our list of most interesting from The League season 2, we have the moment that Andre shattered a trophy of himself, inside of himself. This was already a monumental episode as it is the season 2 premier of the group in Vegas for their newest draft. However the episode comes to a near close perfectly when Andre falls of the stage and inspired Taco to write a song in his honor that Andre may not be too happy about. It was pretty much just a matter of karma when Andre fell on the statue and injured himself the way he did, the way that his ego grew due to winning the Shiva Bowl. While everyone went to Vegas for their 2nd on screen draft, as the show progresses the drafts and the places they go for them are more and more extravagant.

15. Kegel The Elf

Following the tradition that a lot of American families follow, Kevin and Jenny get an Elf on a Shelf for their daughter in order to get her to behave better for the Christmas season, if she wants everything she asked for. Ellie being as impressionable as she is, starts to fear the elf and became constantly fearful of the doll. Overall, the elf begins to have an effect on everybody as it slowly creeps everyone out. While Elf on a Shelf is supposed to make kids act better usually, these interesting moments from The League season 2 do nothing but cause anxiety and fear.

14. Ghost Monkey

While at a petting zoo earlier in the episode and apparently getting it killed after it jumped out of Andre’s car, Taco morns his dead monkey friend by writing him a song called Ghost Monkey. In the show we see Taco present this song to Pete’s Halloween date, who states that shes Wicca. Being what some would call a modern witch, Taco and her hold a seance in which he performed this song for his lost monkey friend. As the interesting moment from season 2 of The League progresses, the gang thinks that they hear the monkey while they’re on their adult Halloween walk until eventually the monkey attacks Jenny.

13. Andre Preparing To Be An Expert Witness

Surprisingly, although Andre is always the most picked on in the group and the absolute butt of all of their jokes, he is a respected doctor within the plastic surgery field of Chicago. With his expertise, Kevin and Ruxin decide to make Andre an expert witness in a case that the two of them are working on. Normally they would never do this, but as Andre works in plastic surgery and that’s what the case is about, they didn’t have much of a choice but to struggle with making Andre an reliable expert witness. Although Andre is a doctor, he certainly earned being the butt of their jokes as he comes off pretty stupid most of the time.

12. I’m Inside Me

As with season 1 and the rest of The League, season 2 featured many songs written by Taco and one of the songs made our list of most interesting season 2 moments as 12th with I’m Inside Me. This song was clearly, and instantly, inspired by Andre’s nasty fall onto a trophy of himself, mentioned earlier on this list, and the trophy enters his body upon breaking. While this becomes classic Andre behavior and clear karma, it’s even more classic for Taco to make a song about it featuring a professional NFL player. While The League season 2 featured a pretty prominent roll for Chad Ochocinco in an episode, the future of the show features many more favorite NFL players.

11. Kevin Losing Rant

The final result of Kegel the Elf laid upon the shelf of the MacArthur household is Kevin going on an absolutely insane rant about how he sets the entire league up and babysits everyone every year yet he always loses. Kevin has a huge breakdown in the yard in front of everyone including his daughter, who he informs that there is no God, no Santa, no Easter bunny, and no nothing. Overall, Ruxin enjoys the show as he is the one to have won the game that Kevin just lost. Overall, Kevin acted as though he was the most put together out of the group, but moments like this from season 2 of The League show just the opposite.

10. Dead Monkey

The moments from The League season 2 that earned 10th on our most interesting moments list is the moment Pete, Andre and Taco lose, or apparently kill, their Taco’s monkey. While Andre is freaking when Pete and Taco are laughing about the situation that Taco stole a monkey, Andre plays something on the radio that caused the monkey to jump out of the moving car window. Along with the screaming in the car as well, it seemed as if this was inevitable but what else is to be expected from Taco stealing a monkey.

9. Andre In Court

Earlier on our list of most interesting moments from The League season 2 we placed Andre training to be an expert witness to the list. Later in our list, we have presented our 9th most interesting scene from season 2 when Andre actually appears in court. Andre wears absolutely ridiculous glasses to make himself look more professional, already a plastic surgeon, the glasses only make him look worse. In hindsight, Ruxin and Kevin probably could have called upon a better witness to be a so-called expert since Andre doesn’t tend to handle any situation well.

8. Ruxin Rosterbating

Another strange word the guys mention often throughout The League that makes up one of their most interesting moments is a one that started from them catching Ruxin overly enjoying his roster in the Vegas hotel room. The guys tend to call this rosterbating and the mention of it always makes for an interesting scene. Honestly, it’s only fitting that Ruxin was the first to do this as he is certainly the most in love with his own actions. What made these moments from season 2 and beyond of The League so great is that they almost always get caught.

7. Rafi Joins The League

In season 1, 2, and beyond Jenny has expressed her interest in joining the fantasy football league that the guys are in, and that her husband is the commissioner of. Unfortunately for her, not only is the league limited by the amount of teams but also Kevin wasn’t too into the idea of Jenny being in his fantasy football league. Instead, the current members of the league decide to invite Rafi to join the league instead.

6. Ruxin’s Revenge

The moment that earned 6th on our list of interesting moments from The League season 2 is from when we see the guys go to their high school reunion. A lot of interesting things happen at the high school reunion but possibly the most interesting is when Ruxin got to show off his beautiful wife. We learned that Ruxin was so eager to show off his wife at the reunion because he back in high school it was believed by his peers that he was always into bigger girls.

5. Taco Celebrates His Naginta

Of course it wouldn’t be a list celebrating season 2 of The League without more than one interesting Taco moment, even if this one is a little less traditional than the average Taco song. This song, instead of his usual well recorded song, Taco performed this song for a crowd at Andre’s already questionable party. The awkwardness began as soon the party started when Andre’s signs for the party were accidentally showing an act of racism.

4. Class Act

Certainly one of the most interesting moments from The League season 2, and another racial subject to appear on the show but as always, the guys in the league handle it elegantly. While at the bar, the rest of the guys explain to Andre what it is that sports announcers and correspondents are talking about exactly when they use the phrase “class act”. Overall, they state that while they reference certain things for either white or back athletes, they are apparently always talking about a black guy when they say it. There’s several times that the group faces racial situations but with most comedies involving the subject, there’s always some sort of reasoning.

3. The Guys Trick Rafi At A Party

One of the first times that the guys actually hang out with Rafi, even when it’s partially against their will. Most of the time it’s shown to be against their will as Rafi just shows up wherever he pleased. As stated earlier, Rafi is pretty dirty and raunchy, especially compared to the rest of the group, who actually have their lives together. In this moment specifically Andre ends up taking Andre’s car so while the rest of the guys tricked Rafi out of the party, they also tricked Andre. While all of the guys, Jenny included, play pranks and jokes on each other constantly, they usually tend to leave Rafi our of things since he goes too far.

2. Taco Explains Vinegar Strokes

This moment led to one of the longest-running and most popular inside jokes from the entirety of The League, surprisingly from season 2 and not season 1. While the explanation alone for vinegar strokes is the specific moment chosen for the 2nd position on our interesting moments from The League season 2. However, this explanation early in the episode led to a vinegar stroke involving Ruxin when him and his wife have sex at the reunion. Taco believed some pretty outrageous things but to him, when you look into someone’s eyees while they are having a vinegar stroke, you can see into their soul.

1. Kevin For Dummies

Throughout the show, we see several instances of Kevin being a dummy and the guys, especially Ruxin, refer to him as a gorilla so it’s only fitting that they find that he has several of the “..for Dummies” series of books. It started when Pete and Ruxin were at Kevin’s and found a book from the series and then Kevin accidentally revealed that he has several books in the series. Ruxin even discovered that Kevin possessed a lawyer book in the series as will, which doesn’t look very good for a lawyer. It was clear why Ruxin was disgruntled with this information but Kevin assures him that it’s filled with great legal advice.

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