10 Things You Didn’t Know about Jake Picking

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Jake Picking

It’s been seven years since Jake Picking made his on screen debut. In that time, he’s been working hard to prove that he’s much more than just a handsome face. Recently, he’s solidified that fact with a role in the new Netflix series, Hollywood. In the show, Jake portrays legendary actor, Rock Hudson. Although Jake is just 29-years-old, he has shown that he has talent and poise of an actor twice his age. In addition to the show, he will also be appearing in the film Top Gun: Maverick which is set to be released later this year. Continue reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Jake Picking.

1. He Loves Classic Hollywood Movies

Jake was a fan of classic movies long before he was cast in the series, Hollywood. He has a deep love for old cinema and often watches classic films as a way to relax and unwind. In fact, watching these movies helped him get through periods of loneliness in his life.

2. He’s A Rapper

Acting isn’t the only form of entertainment Jake knows how to provide. He is also a rapper who has recorded more than 50 songs over the years. As you can imagine, he’s been using his time in quarantine to work on even more music. Unfortunately though, Jake won’t likely be releasing any music any time soon. He admits that he still struggles with confidence as far as his music is concerned.

3. He Took A Unique Approach To Researching Rock Hudson

Lots of actors have different methods for researching the characters they play. Some like to do a lot of reading while others like to actually live the life of the person they’ll be playing. When Jake was preparing himself for the role of Rock Hudson, he spent hours watching Hudson’s old films on silent. He says watching the films without sound helped him really get an understanding of Hudson’s mannerisms. Jake told W Magazine, “I think my favorite one was All That Heaven Allows with Jane Wyman. Then Magnificent Obsession, and Pillow Talk with Doris Day.” In addition, Jake also spent a lot of time listening to Brock’s old interviews.

4. He Has Interesting Advice For Young Actors

As a relatively young actor himself, Jake is very familiar with the process of what it takes to be successful. With that being said, he has an interesting piece of advice to share with up and coming actors. Jake says, “Find out one thing that that you’re willing to put yourself on the line for. Just find that one thing and go after it, no hesitation.”

5. He Didn’t Get Involved In Acting Until High School

Compared to lots of other actors, Jake was late to the game by not getting involved in acting until high school. Acting coach, Carolyn Pickman, who worked with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, encouraged Jake to pursue acting in college, but he took another path. He went to New York University to study business. However, he left after a year.

6. He Played Hockey

During his time at NYU, Jake was a member of the hockey team. While he loved the sport, he quickly realized that his priorities were shifting and he was more interested in becoming a part of the acting community.

7. He Likes Roles That Bring Out Emotion

When Jake was a kid, he loved watching movies that could make him laugh and cry. This is the exact same level of emotion he hopes to bring to the roles he plays. He hopes that his work will inspire people and that’s one of the reasons he was so excited and honored to play Rock.

8. He’s From Boston

Jake was born in Germany, but he spent most of his life in Boston before moving to New York for college. Boston is known for breeding quite a few successful actors including Ben Affleck, Donnie Wahlberg, and Uma Thurman.

9. He’s A Childish Gambino Fan

As a rapper himself, Jake is also a fan of listening to music. He loves spending time in record stores and says that Childish Gambino is one of his favorite artists. Jake appreciates Gambino’s versatile style. He’s also a fan of Childish Gambino.

10. He Didn’t Know Anyone When He Moved To L.A.

After leaving NYU, Jake decided to move to Los Angeles and give acting a try. He didn’t know anyone when he moved to the west coast and said that his first few months living there were very lonely. He told MTV, “”You think of Hollywood and you think of the glitz and glam, and, like, the stars. It wasn’t that at all.”

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