Young and the Restless Spoilers: Is Chloe Going to Make it Out?

Young and the Restless Spoilers: Is Chloe Going to Make it Out?

Young and the Restless fans have more questions than answers these days. They want to know what is going on with Chloe. She escaped after faking her own death. She and the doctor came up with a plan to make it seem like she killed herself so Chelsea and Nick would leave her alone and stop their search. The doctor is holding onto Chloe for Victor, and she has another plan. Nick has no idea what is going on, but he is looking for his wife.

She’s out there, and he will find her. We hope he will go back to the doctor’s office to try and find answers. And when he does, we think he won’t hesitate to use that gun he’s got. She won’t let him get hurt, and she won’t let him wonder where she is anymore. They will come up with a plan that will allow them to get out of town, and that means they will have a chance to escape.

But will Gloria’s suspicions that Kevin is up to something ruin their plan? If Victor gets word of this, he might assume Kevin knows and he’s being crossed. There are so many things that might go wrong in this situation, and we can’t help but wonder if this is how Kevin will die. He is leaving the show, and this might be a way for him to exit and not come back. Will he die trying to protect her? Or will he manage to get her and run away to make his big exit?

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