It’s all too common to hear how people would love to boycott a movie because this actor did something they don’t like, or said something that people don’t agree with. If an actor has done something truly despicable then perhaps it’s time for them to step back and take a break or leave show business altogether, depending on the severity of their actions. But the truth is that this doesn’t happen all that often, and there are times when a person can and will be vilified for something that they’ve been accused of. But all too often, the boycotts and the overall toward one actor, in particular, can damage the reputation of a movie as well, and that’s the type of ridiculous behavior that can do more damage to many people simply because of the hate that one person has earned for whatever reason. There are a lot of movies out there that a good number of people won’t watch simply because of one actor, and there are also plenty of people that will still watch the said movies and create a reason why they ‘simply had to’.
Not watching a movie because of a single actor isn’t just juvenile, it’s insanely childish. Determining whether one likes a movie or not based on the appearance of a single actor, or more is an active way to deny that the movie has any worth just because that one individual has ruined it for the person watching. Denying that a movie has any worth because of one person takes away from the others that have starred in the same movie and from pretty much everyone that worked on the feature in the first place. Some might want to backtrack and state that they had no intention of doing such a thing, but the mere statement that one won’t watch a movie because it’s starring one or more actors they don’t care for is one of the most ridiculous arguments that’s ever been spoken.
It’s easy to enjoy a movie in which a hated actor is starring since the fictional quality of it is easier to believe than some might think. When Johnny Depp showed up at the end of the first Fantastic Beasts movies, and then in the second, people about lost their minds since the issues between Depp and Amber Heard were ongoing and getting even hotter. When it was announced that Heard wouldn’t be removed from the second Aquaman movie, many replied to this by saying that they might boycott the movie. But you can bet that a lot of those same people are going to be watching the movie just to see what happens, and won’t give a damn about Heard’s return. What people care about and what they value when it comes to actors and the movies they star in tends to shift when those in control of the newsfeeds say so, and what was a solid opinion the day before will likely become the opposite. That’s how it usually works to be fair, since people, no matter how much they want to be seen as free-thinkers, will often let the media and other sources sway them in a big way.
But when it comes to refusing to enjoy a bit of entertainment due to what the actor is doing or saying something that’s not supported by public opinion, then it becomes kind of obvious that the media has too much influence over the daily lives of the people. When that happens it makes one believe that people don’t want to be free-thinkers, they want to be led around by the nose and told what to believe, what to think, and what they should be enjoying. It’s a double-edged sword when calling out anything that has to do with entertainment since on one hand a person can stand up and be counted for speaking their mind about something. But on the other hand, it’s very easy to look like a hypocrite while doing so, wince those that vilify o0ne movie or another for their choice of actors not only make themselves look ridiculous when watching the same movies that their least favorite actors are in and try to explain that they’re only doing so to know what they’re talking about.
Trying to justify the boycott or the outright hatred of a movie based on the appearance of one or more actors is something that makes a lot of people laugh, and burns others up since it means that those engaging in such hypocrisy are trying to do the controlling while those that are ready and willing to watch a movie and not worry about who’s in it are those that are down for the story. These are the folks that don’t care if an actor is in favor with anyone at the moment, and simply want to be entertained.
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