Why We’ll Be Watching Sci-Fi Documentary “In Search of Tomorrow”

Why We’ll Be Watching Sci-Fi Documentary “In Search of Tomorrow”

Ah yes, the science fiction and fantasy of the 80s. This decade brought us some of the most classic stories that helped to influence the decades that came after and created a framework for the franchises that would continue to build throughout the years and up to the current era. In Search of Tomorrow is a Sci-Fi documentary that will be going over the many different movies that helped to shape what we’ve seen in the few decades and will no doubt continue to influence what will come in the decades to follow. So much was created back in the 80s that it’s hard to point out every possible show and movie that helped to give rise to what would eventually become a revolution in science fiction and fantasy, but it’s fair to say that a lot of us can probably remember a lot of what came about back then and should be able to laugh as we recall what made the decade so great. As it’s stated in the trailer, there were a lot of bright new ideas that came about in the 80s, and it’s worth noting that a lot of them had their roots in older stories and legends despite the fact that they were presented in a manner that brought them into current era at the time and displayed them in a way that people had never seen before.

Watching this documentary is, in a way, a step back in time to remember how many science fiction and fantasy stories really came out in that decade, and how many were both innovative and hadn’t been seen before. From the 90s onward a lot of the fantasy and science fiction that we’ve seen has been inspired and influenced by the 80s, though thankfully much of what we’ve seen has also been taken from old movies and stories. The techniques and methods that were used in the 80s were adopted and continued as they evolved and were used to create even better and more efficient movie-making techniques that have been revolutionizing the industry for years now. This decade was instrumental in bringing forth a great number of revolutionary techniques that might have been developed earlier but were being used extensively in the 80s as people were eager to see more and more of the type of special effects that had been virtually impossible before this decade came around. Think about it, practical effects used to be the extent of what people could do, since even the earliest computer graphics were pretty cheesy even by the standards of those that hadn’t seen them before.

Looking back at the 80s brings a smile to the face of a lot of people since there were a lot of great movies back then. Comparing them to the movies of now is going to make them look a bit lame and cheesy no doubt, but the fact is that 10 to 20 years from now, the movies of the 2010s and 20s will probably look kind of cheesy too. Back in the 80s, the science fiction and fantasy that we were given was what we had, and it was enjoyed by a lot of people since it was groundbreaking for the time and the idea wasn’t that we wanted to see every movie top the movie before it. Nowadays if a movie can’t bring the same type of special effects it’s bound to get roasted for not being inventive or creative enough and seriously lacking in the effects department. Like it or not, the movies of the 80s told a story with less and did more than a lot of the movies throughout the next three decades did. Let’s be honest, the movies today have a lot of thanks to offer to the 80s, since while there are duds that come along every now and then, there are also great movies that are a result of the buildup that’s been coming throughout the years as the techniques, the methods, and the overall movie experience has been improving with each new attempt. 30 years ago it feels easy to say that the movies we watch now wouldn’t have been even close to possible, but thankfully things have been improving steadily over time.

If anything, every single movie and TV show that’s ever come along have a lot of thanks to every single soul that has helped to keep the arts alive over the decades and centuries that came ahead of them, but in our current scope, the 80s brought forth a huge transition when it came to how technology was applied to the movies and how it changed things in a way that has altered and will continue to alter the way movies and TV shows are made. The documentary is going to laud the 80s for the contributions that were made, and it’s right that it should do so.

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