Why There Will Never Be Another Sean Connery

Why There Will Never Be Another Sean Connery

Why there will never be another Sean Connery should be pretty simple to figure out, it’s the same reason why there will never be another John Belushi, or another Chris Farley, or anyone else for that matter. It’s because they were unique, and because Connery was, to many, one of the most legendary actors that’s ever graced the screen. When he was younger it could be said that Connery was a jack of all trades but possibly a master of none since he went through several jobs, perhaps trying to find his calling or for various other reasons. He even went into bodybuilding at one point and became a footballer, no, not the NFL since football means something a bit different in other parts of the world. But given that a footballer would usually retire around the age of 30 or so, he went into acting when he was still in his 20s and he considered that to be the wisest move he could have made. The legendary actor began his journey into the cinematic world in the early 50s and didn’t retire until about 2006. While his wasn’t the longest career ever it did see him become one of the most well-known faces in Hollywood for a few reasons. Unlike several others, I’ll go ahead and mention James Bond and call it good, since this is obviously one of the late Connery’s most iconic roles, despite the fact that he grew tired of it after a while and wouldn’t have gone back to it unless the conditions had been just perfect. Even then it might have been warded off with a giant ‘if’ to make certain that it was the right move.

Some people are broken up about Connery’s recent passing and it’s not hard to see why since this man was a legend in the business and someone that people looked up for a few reasons. But like all individuals his time came due and, as a result, his name has been added to the many that we’ll remember fondly. But there are a lot of reasons to remember him in a very positive way and not mourn nearly as much, since the best performances that he gave to the world are still possible to view from time to time. There are several different performances that many people might cite when it comes to Connery and the many movies in which he was absolutely great. The fictional retelling of The Untouchables is one such movie since as Malone he was the streetwise beat cop that knew the ins and outs of Chicago during the Prohibition Era, and was, therefore, able to help Elliot Ness, played by Kevin Costner, to assemble a team of officers that could take down none other than Al Capone. The only downfall of this movie is that while there were elements of reality, such as the baseball bat to the back of a gangster’s head, Jimmy Malone and Elliot Ness never met in real life, meaning that the movie kind of went off on its own tangent after a while. Capone did go down for tax evasion though, that much was real.

How well a person knew of Connery’s works really depends on what generation that person is born in, since some of us remember as far back as Lilacs in the Spring, while some of our memories might begin at movies such as The Untouchables and move up to Dragonheart, First Knight, Entrapment, and so on and so forth. It can be said that Connery had a few flops in his career, as will happen to pretty much anyone at some point and time. But the fact still remains that he was an Academy Award winner, and he carved his name into history in a way that made it clear that he wouldn’t be forgotten. In the years to come, it does feel safe to say that his memory might fade a bit with the next few generations, but it also feels that plenty of us will be able to keep him around and in mind for much of that time since it’s hard to think that any legend such as Connery would simply slip into obscurity. Mourning the man is, of course, up to each individual when it comes to finding the desired manner in which to do this, but the celebration of his career and his life is something that others might feel is a little more appropriate as taking the time to realize what he did and why his life was important is a worthwhile pursuit. Connery was one of the many actors that meant a great deal to a lot of people when it came to his acting, and in a few ways, he was unique enough that there will never be another like him. Rest in peace sir, you’ll be missed.

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