Why Cameron Monaghan Needed to Return to ‘Shameless’

Why Cameron Monaghan Needed to Return to ‘Shameless’

Shameless has endured a lengthy and very odd story line that has seen each member of the family evolve in a way that has been hard to watch at some points and makes you wonder how such a family would possibly endure one another, let alone their drunken louse of a father. Add to that an absentee mother that abandoned them and you’ve got a family that’s rife with issues and just looking to make the nearest shrink an instant millionaire in an ideal world. But getting down to the point of the article it seems that Cameron Monaghan was actually going to step away for a while, if not for good, to go and explore whatever other opportunities he might find outside the show.

On one hand you can’t really blame him since he’s been playing the role of Ian Gallagher for so long that it’s one of the only roles that people really recognize him as. Granted, he has been seen to show up on Gotham alongside several other actors, playing the precursor of one of the most famous of villains in the annals of the dark knight. But despite his success as Ian he’s been wanting to get out and do something else just to expand his horizons and perhaps find something else that he might excel at. Ian isn’t unskilled or inexperienced after all and has shown up on various other programs and in movies, so his opportunities aren’t hemmed in by anything other than the need to continue onward with a show that will keep him on lock for a while so long as he’s bound to it. But all in all there are worse shows to be locked into, as despite the craziness of it, Shameless is one of the more entertaining shows around largely because the characters are so colorful and have had a lot of time to develop.

There might be doubters that would say that he came back since he figured he couldn’t do anything else, but that’s obviously not the truth. Instead he came back since he liked the direction in which the character is being led. By the time he comes back Ian will be starting a two-year stint in prison and will be granted another chance at showing how his character can continue to grow and change. Even more enticing is that his cellmate will be his less than stable boyfriend Mickey, though Noel Fisher has yet to confirm whether or not he’ll come back. He’s another actor that has entertained a lot of prospects throughout his career and has been seen in numerous shows and movie appearances that have made him quite popular among certain crowds. Like Ian, Noel is more of a secondary character wherever he goes, but if Mickey doesn’t come back it’s going to be uncertain just what might be done to make the transition a bit more realistic. At this point Cameron is more interested in seeing how his character will develop while on the inside than getting into another romantic fling.

It stands to reason at this point that Cameron might come back for season 10 and then continue to display interest in life outside of Shameless since the interest doesn’t seem likely to die down considering that he’s still fairly young and could find work pretty much anywhere. But for the time being he’s going to be coming back to the show in order to see what will happen and what he can do for the duration. But there are going to be changes coming back since it would seem that Emmy Rossum is already stating that she won’t be sticking around much longer. A show without Fiona Gallagher is going to seem like something that might not be quite as appealing since from the start she’s been someone that the family has relied on and at least looked to when they needed advice or just someone to talk to. Even as the characters have evolved and gone their own way and done their own thing she’s still been a central part of the family since, let’s face it, she kept them together for a long time before things started going off the rails.

The future of the show seems like it’s bound to be a bit shaky as time continues to roll on as things are changing and people are starting to look elsewhere when it comes to continuing on or moving on to other venues. The fact that Cameron is coming back is great, but until we know whether or not Noel is coming back too it’s going to be anyone’s guess just what will be happening with Ian in prison and whether or not Mickey will be a part of it. As for Fiona, well, every story has to have an ending, or at least a fork in the road where it diverges.

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