Credit: Horizon: Forbidden West
Anyone who has played the Horizon games knows who Aloy is, the fiery, red-haired warrior of the Nora, the Savior as many call her, and thus knows that she’s one of the most impressive video game protagonists that emerged in the past decade. It’s easy to think that she deserves her own movie, or possibly a series, since the world of Horizon has been fleshed out in a big way and covers a great deal of ground in the first movie and even more in the sequel. A lot of people might not know enough about Aloy to make it worth their time to see her represented in a live-action movie, but it’s not tough to figure this character out since she’s an outcast from the Nora tribe, as it shows in the first game, and while she wants so badly to belong, she’s well aware that there’s something different about her that the other tribes can’t accept. With that in mind, Aloy seeks to prove her worth and find out the mystery behind how she came to be throughout the first game and how she can save the world from a threat that’s been building in the second.
With that in mind, here are a few ladies that might be able to take on the role of Aloy in a live-action movie.
5. Hera Hilmar

Credit: Mortal Engines
Others have been thinking along the same lines of who to recruit for this role, and some think women of color might be able to take on this role. In all fairness, that’s probably true since there is a slew of great actresses out there who could take on this role and make it work. But this time around it does feel as though keeping Aloy as close to her original form would be a far better idea than justifying such a move by citing the need for diversity and inclusion. The fact is that this story is diverse and does include people of different colors and from different backgrounds, but it feels best to look for someone that could exemplify Aloy inside and out.
4. Karen Gillan

Credit: Jumanji
There are two main things that would help to make Aloy just as impressive in live-action as she’s been in the game, and one of them is her appearance, while the other is her ability to kick a great deal of ass while she’s in the field. Her combat training is as much a part of Aloy’s character as anything, especially considering that she was raised to be a survivor and to take down machines that outweigh her by thousands of pounds. Karen has made it obvious that she knows how to pay attention when it comes to the combat training portions of her role, even if she’s not bound to perform every stunt that’s needed.
3. Becky Lynch

Credit: WWE
Becky Lynch has the kind of toughness to her character that’s needed to make Aloy come to life, but she also has the ability to make this character appear as sympathetic as she needs to be since her time in the WWE has seen her become the heel, the face, and everything in between. She can be calm and reserved and she can be a firecracker that takes no prisoners and is out to do the type of damage that will leave everyone around her on their back. That’s the game in the WWE, after all, but Becky is one of those who has managed to step her game up continually over the years. Maybe it’s time to see what she can do with a lead role such as this.
2. Hannah Hoekstra

Credit: Hemel
Ashly Burch is the voice of Aloy, but Hannah Hoekstra is the face that they used to bring this character to life, and one thing that’s nice about this is that Hannah isn’t average or homely by any means, but she’s also not a supermodel, which lends a great deal of realism and balance to the character of Aloy. While she doesn’t appear to be a big action star or even have much of a presence in action movies, it might be wise to give the woman who inspired the look of this hero a chance to see if she might be able to emulate her in some way. It couldn’t hurt, right?
1. Rose Leslie

Credit: Game of Thrones
As someone who has managed to portray a woman born and raised in the wild, it feels that Rose Leslie might actually be one of the top picks for the part of Aloy since she has the look, the attitude, and the ability to actually put up a realistic performance that might make fans quite happy. Her time in GoT has given people the impression of a surly, skilled huntress that might not care about anyone, but her acting chops have been tested more than once and there’s no doubt that she would be up to the task.
A woman who can be a hunter and a savior, that’s what’s needed to bring Aloy to life.
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