Credit: @thestuntrunt
The latest Depp news is all that anyone wants to talk about. Since the defamation case with Amber Heard was televised like a reality television show for the world to see, it’s all anyone wants to talk about. What happened to Depp? What is happening now that it’s over and Heard was found guilty of defaming the star? More importantly, in the Johnny Depp news universe, what is Depp up to these days? Fans want to know all there is to know about him, and we get it. Right now, all the latest Depp news is about the Pirates of the Caribbean Six movie. Here’s what we know.
How Much Would Johnny Depp Earn in Pirates 6?
When Johnny Depp news broke about the defamation case, fans were curious. Did Depp really lose money like he said he did over his ex-wife’s claims that he was abusive to her? Yes, he did. In case you were unaware, Disney very casually nixed any future work with Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Depp has been playing the character for almost two decades now, and he’s an icon. He’s a legend. It is the greatest role of his career. Disney decided they didn’t want to associate themselves with someone accused of abuse, so they pulled the plug on a sixth movie. The movie was allegedly paying Johnny Depp the handsome sum of $22.5 million.

Credit: @thestuntrunt
Depp Fans Want Disney to Bring Depp Back
Now that Depp has been found not guilty of being a wife-beating abuser, fans of the actor want Disney to bring him back. However, Johnny Depp is fine. He’s not interested in playing the character for the franchise any longer. Frankly, we don’t blame him. The Disney company distanced themselves from the actor the moment it was alleged he was abusing his ex-wife. They did not stand up for the star. They did not wait to see if he was innocent. They distanced themselves. The moment it would found he was not guilty of these things, they green-lighted the movie they canceled.
Fans began calling on Disney to have Depp return, but Depp is not a stupid man. He is not interested in working for Disney at this point. The company is currently embroiled in some very controversial and questionable things, and those things are far worse than anything Johnny Depp was accused of. So, Depp said no, thank you. Except what he really said was that it would take “A million alpacas” and a lot more for him to do it. He’s done.
In Other Johnny Depp News
In other Johnny Depp news, it seems his ex-wife is in the news again. Once again, it’s not for anything flattering. Amber Heard is a woman who put herself in the position she’s in, and it’s not a good one. She’s been accused of sleeping her way to the top, though many find this curious since she’s never really been at the top. She’s been accused of sleeping with anyone and everyone to get a movie role here and there, and sources claim that her ex-husband knew this was happening.

Credit: @thestuntrunt
Of course, we also knew that Johnny Depp was initially unaware of his ex-wife’s issues. He thought she was super into him, but he later realized the only thing she wanted from him was his name and the fame he could give her. It was hurtful to him, and sources claim that once he found out she was allegedly involved in wild orgies and other sexual relationships with people all over Hollywood to get roles, it hurt him. The same reports are also claiming that she’s the kind of woman who has gotten other young stars hooked on drugs and other issues.
According to the source who claims to know what was going on with Depp at the time, the actor didn’t want to talk about it. Instead, the tried to drown his sorrows with drugs and alcohol, and that was his go-to from that point. It seems that the star was in a bad place. However, no amount of Johnny Depp news that comes out is doing anything to make him look worse than Amber Heard. News about her only seems to make her look worse with each headline. She cannot seem to catch a break, but that might be good news for Depp. He spent years of his life losing income, having his reputation tarnished, and worrying that his kids were suffering because of the stories his ex-wife was telling. It’s not good for her now, and she’s just getting a small taste of what her ex went through after her op-ed.
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