Whatever Happened to P.J. Soles?

Whatever Happened to P.J. Soles?

Since the entertainment industry is somewhat of a revolving door, it’s not unusual to see people come and go. Every once in a while, however, there are people who leave such a lasting impression that fans simply can’t stop thinking about them – even if it’s been years since they’ve seen any of their work. P.J. Soles is one of those people. The actress gained popularity in the late 1970s when she played Lynda van der Klok in the film Halloween. Even though her character didn’t survive the movie, she became a legend in her own right. P.J. also appeared in several other films during the 70s and 80s, and she built a dedicated fan base along the way. Over the years, however, P.J. eventually began to fade from the spotlight which left many people wondering what she’s been up to all this time. What ever happened to P.J. Soles? Keep reading to find out.

Who Is P.J. Soles?

Even if you’re old enough to remember P.J. at the height of her career, you may not have known her story. P.J. was born in Germany and she moved around a lot during her childhood due to her father’s career. She lived in several countries including Morocco and Venezuela. After graduating from high school in Brussels, P.J. moved to the United States to attend Briarcliff College in New York. She eventually transferred to Georgetown University and began to develop an interest in acting.

After moving to Manhattan in the early 70s, P.J. began her acting career. In the mid 1970s, she auditioned for the role of Princess Leia in Star Wars. The part ultimately went to Carrie Fisher. In many cases, it can take actors several years to start getting major opportunities, but things moved pretty quickly for P.J.  Within just a few years of entering the industry,  P.J. landed her role in Halloween. What many people don’t know is that Lynda, P.J.’s character in Halloween was actually written specifically for her. Lynda, and subsequently P.J., would become legendary for her use of the word ‘totally’. Additionally, she was the final person to be killed by Mike Myers in the film.

What Is P.J. Soles Up To These Days?

If you’ve found yourself wondering what happened to P.J. Soles over the years, you certainly aren’t alone. In fact, the rock band Local H even has an album titled Whatever Happened to P.J. Soles? which was released in 2004. P.J. actually appeared on the cover of the album dressed as Riff Randell, her character from the 1979 movie Rock ‘n’ Roll High School. Although her recent whereabouts may seem like a mystery to come, the truth is that P.J. never really went anywhere. She hasn’t had any major roles in recent years, but she has been acting fairly consistently since she started her career.

In 2018, she made a voice cameo in the Halloween sequel as a teacher. Her most recent on screen appearance was in the 2019 film Hannukah. In addition to film and TV roles, P.J. was also in the music video for The Donnas 2009 song “Too Bad About Your Girl“. The video now has more than 1 million views on YouTube. Outside of acting, P.J. is also a musician and a songwriter although it doesn’t appear that she’s released any music of her own.

Outside of her career, it looks like P.J. has also taken the time to pour into her personal life. While none of her marriages have worked out, P.J. is a proud mother of two children and a proud grandmother of three. She loves spending time with her family

The Future Of P.J. Soles’ Career

Overall, P.J. appears to be a pretty private person. She is active on Instagram, however, she doesn’t do many interviews or public appearances. Every once in a while, she’ll pop up for a Halloween related event, but she seems to be perfectly content enjoying her peace and quiet.

Although there’s nothing to indicate that P.J. plans to retire any time soon, there’s also no information on what she’s going to do next. She doesn’t have any projects in the works at the moment and it’s been a couple of years since her last on screen appearance. With that being said, it would be cool to see her somehow re-enter the Halloween universe if there is a future remake. Just because Lynda is technically dead doesn’t mean that P.J. can’t be reintroduced in some way. After all, many younger horror movie fans weren’t even around when the original Halloween was released.

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