Whatever Happened to Brice Beckham?

Does anyone remember Wesley from Mr. Belvedere? Well, he’s grown up now and has been continuing along a rather moderate career that hasn’t seen him do anything huge but has managed to keep him afloat since he’s still able to be seen from time to time. It does look as though he took a break from 1993 to 2000 for one reason or another but came back to continue acting and just showing up when he could. Much of his net worth is bound up from this days as a child star though it’s safe to say that unless people watched Mr. Belvedere they might not recognize him quite as much. If anyone remembers the show was a lot of fun but it lasted for only five years before it was taken off the air. After that Brice appeared in an episode of Roseanne and then kind of fell off the map for a while. He did return and became popular after a bit for a show titled I Hate My 30s, but not much has really happened in his career through the years that could be said to be all that exciting, at least not from the perspective of the audience.

This is what tends to happen with a lot of child stars that are popular when they’re younger, they grow up and tend to lose some of the qualities they had as kids and aren’t really capable of getting it back since their fans have either forgotten about them and don’t recognize them or being a child star was really all they had in the first place. It might not sound fair to say such a thing but really this is a big part of what happens. Some people accept it and move on to do other things that might get them paid and keep them in the business, which for some people is all they really want, while others try to win back that sense of importance and end up flopping pretty hard. There are plenty of former child stars that we can say this about, but dragging them through the mud isn’t really that great of a goal at this time as enough has happened in their careers to make it evident that they don’t need anyone else beating up on them. Brice thankfully has been doing his own thing for a while and has made it work for him so it’s easy to say that he’s still got some of the charm and talent that he had as a kid and has likely refined it in order to make it work for him in a way that keeps him with a net worth that is nothing to really sneeze at.

A lot of people might look at Brice, figure out what he’s done, and then go on about their business with a shrug of the shoulders, and it’s hard to blame them really. He’s not exactly the caliber of actor that a lot of other people are and hasn’t used his childhood fame to do much these days apart from getting noticed when it’s convenient and landing one gig after another based on what he’s done now, not just back then. It’s easy to respect a person that is at least willing to get back in there and do whatever he can to make an honest buck without having to tell everyone just who he is or was that far back in his career, especially since a lot of people might look at him funny for even mentioning it while some would get excited at the nostalgic moment and then move on once that was all said and done with. It seems cynical and harsh in a way, but this is the nature of show business and to be fair the nature of the audience that keeps it relevant is even more harsh and much more cynical since the habit of so many is to focus on what’s new, what’s trending, and what’s bright and shiny in other words. If a person isn’t someone that people figure they need to pay attention to then there’s no guarantee that they’ll even remember their name in the next three seconds.

In a way Brice Beckham’s fame belongs to a different generation that doesn’t mind rehashing old episodes of Mr. Belvedere and will gladly wax nostalgic about anything they can remember from the show and anything they might have seen Brice in since then. But a good part of those that watch pop culture and have seen it evolve throughout the decades are those that tend to notice something or someone and then move on the next second if it’s not gripping enough or deemed important enough to take up anymore of their time. Thankfully Brice is still working and is still keeping himself relevant, but it’s not likely that we’re going to see much of him in the mainstream.

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