What We Learned From the Trailer for “Cry Macho”

What We Learned From the Trailer for “Cry Macho”

Even as an old man that’s looking as though he’s getting slower with every passing year, Clint Eastwood is still the kind of guy you’d say ‘Yes sir’ to when speaking to him. Plus, his description of being macho is more or less on the nose, since there’s nothing wrong with being macho, but it’s wise to realize that it needs to be balanced out by something else. The story of an old, not aging but old, rodeo star is one that a lot of people can likely appreciate when it comes to Eastwood, who’s been seen as one of the best western stars in the business, is kind of perfect in this instance since it affords Eastwood the chance to look and sound tough once again. Some might argue that he’s never stopped looking tough and they’d be partially right, but in the trailer, this man looks like someone that’s seen a few things in his life and has been beaten down and reshaped by the experiences he’s gone through until he’s as tough as an old leather belt. To be honest, that’s the way that a lot of people like to think about Eastwood.

The actor has been someone that people have looked up to quite a bit over the years, and while he’s done and said plenty of questionable things in his career, he’s remained an icon that has been a lot of fun to watch over the years. It’s easy to hear in his voice thought that he’s slowing down, and while some folks might see that as a sign that might need to finally retire, it’s evident that Eastwood might have something to say about that. But to listen to what his character in this movie has to say it’s a huge switch from the earlier days when he was one of the toughest individuals on the screen.

The idea of being macho is something that is often best for young men to practice in order to realize that on its own, that feeling of superiority isn’t enough. One can be macho all day and all night for as long as they possibly can, but at the end of such a run, they might find that there is very little left in their life that’s real, or that’s worth having. Like all things in life, this could go either way when looking at the outcome. A person could be extremely macho and very lucky when it comes to how their life turns out. Or they could be extremely macho and have next to nothing left when all is said and done. The thing about being macho is that if this is all a person knows how to be, then they’re bound to miss out on a lot that life has to offer that isn’t deemed ‘manly’. Clint says it correctly when he states that being macho is overrated, especially since if this is what someone focuses on it means that they might be closing themselves off to a lot of other experiences that life has to offer. That might sound corny and even hokey, but the truth is that being macho isn’t a bad thing, it’s just not enough to build one’s life around.

Cry Macho looks and sounds like an old man’s attempt to try to teach the younger generation that what came before was great for its time and was definitely something fun to get into and idolize, but as one gets older it becomes time to realize that it’s not all there is to life. Being macho is something that caters mostly to the young and middle-aged, but even during these times, it’s wise to think of allowing other parts of one’s life to develop, since otherwise the machismo that some folks prize so much will eventually dry up and leave them with little to nothing at the end, except for faded memories and a life that’s a little less for the lack of anything else in it. Idolizing others for being macho is all well and good, but the fact is that trying to be like them and eschewing all other facets of life is a mistake that too many people have made over the years and one that Eastwood is highlighting in this movie.

When all is said and done this movie looks like it might be a touching story with a good bit of action and a lot of dry but meaningful humor that could seek to prove a point here and there. It’s hopeful that people will come to see that point and what it means, while still enjoying the movie at the same time. Clint Eastwood still has the kind of talent that a lot of people enjoy, but there’s no doubt about it, he’s hit that point in life where one has to wonder how much longer he’ll be able to do this.

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