Undeclared Season 1 Episode 17 Review: “Eric’s POV”
There’s no denying “Eric’s POV” is an unsatisfying end to Undeclared, which had really found a groove in the back half of its first s
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There’s no denying “Eric’s POV” is an unsatisfying end to Undeclared, which had really found a groove in the back half of its first s
While the title of Undeclared‘s penultimate episode refers to the show’s single most ridiculous plot, “Hal and Hillary” takes its abs
The beginning of freshman year, and the beginning of a relationship are very similar: both offer us the opportunity to present specific, controlled versions o
When Undeclared was firing on all cylinders, it really was something special. The last few episodes have stood testament to this, exploring various aspects
If any man’s being honest, they’ll admit most of their freshman year was spent either pursuing women, or figuring out better ways to pursue women,
Never has a pickle been such an important dramatic device as it is in “Hell Week,” the conclusion to Undeclared‘s only two-parter. Tasked w
Fraternity life – or “Greek life”, as most refer to it – is a weird, weird thing. Somewhere between a social club and a cult, fraterni
It’s obvious how much Judd Apatow and company were enamored by the talent and charms of Jason Segel; the three episodes that Eric is mentioned in the ti
On the surface, “Parent’s Weekend” is a very haphazard episode of Undeclared. Centered around that awkward weekend during fall semester fre
Known in television lore as Undeclared‘s unaired episode, “God Visits” is an episode that feels more aligned with the religious underpinnin