Why The Sex Scenes in “Breaking Bad” Were Completely Necessary

Why The Sex Scenes in “Breaking Bad” Were Completely Necessary

There are times in movies and in TV shows, such as Breaking Bad, that sex scenes would appear to be thrown in just for the simple pleasure of the audience and are completely unnecessary. However in some cases there are times when the inclusion of a sex scene can be necessary to show the development of a scene, a character, or simply to depict how relieving stress in some carnal manner can actually move the story forward. Sex is not always meaningless no matter how it is depicted in any medium. There is always a reason for it even if it is seen as nonsensical and therefore not needed. In Breaking Bad however the sexual scenes that are included tend to carry a deeper meaning than the simple physical act that is being shown.

Some might argue that it takes away from the main story and is rather vulgar, but then those might be the people that only watch various parts of the show and therefore do not have the whole picture when it comes the lives of those involved in the production. Breaking Bad is the slow but methodical deconstruction of a man looking at a bad end who comes to realize that the only way he will be able to keep his family secure is to do the wrong thing. Walter eventually embraces the life that many would gladly shy away from largely because it is lucrative, it is quick, and it does offer a very big payday. But it is also a dangerous life that he has to immerse himself into completely as engaging only part-time in said activities would be even more dangerous. As a result of having to go all in with this venture Walter finds out a great deal about himself and what he’s willing to do.

The sexual aspect of this show is about release, about pleasure, and about feeling alive in some sense. But as the dynamic between Walter and Skyler begins to change it becomes more about control, power, and something not easily defined that lies between the two of them. Once Skyler decides to cheat on Walter the sex becomes about satisfaction, about the chance to live a life that might be far more satisfying, and could possibly take her away from the stress and trouble that she cannot escape so easily. More than anything, the sexual escapades in Breaking Bad are an integral part that don’t take up too much time and are more about control and the pleasure it brings rather than just outright carnal pleasure. Sex is so much more than the act of intercourse after all, as it can be used for many things as people well know.

There was no ‘sex for sex’s sake’ in Breaking Bad, or it might have looked more like Game of Thrones at some point. Instead this show was far more analytical and took a very deep approach to the sexual content while showing that it was indeed about pleasure, but also about something far more. In many ways it was about control, and who had it versus who did not.

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