10 Things You Didn’t Know About Justin Chatwin

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Justin Chatwin

Justin Chatwin is a Canadian actor who was born in Nanaimo, British Columbia, on October 31, 1982. He has enjoyed a successful career in both the television and film industries. In television, he is best-known for his roles in ‘Shameless and ‘American Gothic’. His most famous films include ‘War of the Worlds’. ‘The Invisible’, and ‘Dragonball Evolution‘. Despite this actor having a relatively high public and media profile, there is still plenty that people do not know about this actor. Here are ten interesting facts that you might not have known about Justin Chatwin.

1. His Mother Also Works in the Entertainment Industry

An interest in and talent for the film industry must run in the family as his mother, Suzanne Chatwin, has also worked in this industry. She is both an artist and a filmmaker. His father, Brian, has never worked in entertainment as he is a qualified engineer.

2. He is Interested in Scientology

Although he is not a follower of the Scientology religion, Justin Chatwin has said in interviews that he finds this religion fascinating and it is something about which he enjoys reading. There are many aspects of Scientology in which he believes.

3. He Has Worked with Dakota Fanning Twice

Justin Chatwin has been lucky enough to work with Dakota Fanning on two occasions. They first appeared together in the 2002 film ‘Taken’ and then again in the 2005 film ‘War of the Worlds’.

4. He is a Fan of Shameless

One of his best-known roles is playing Jimmy Lishman/ Steve Wilton in ‘Shameless’ between 2011 and 2015. Even after leaving the series he has remained a fan and still watches the show. He thinks that it has a good balance of comedy and drama and that the series highlights some of the social issues that many people face in their day-to-day lives, such as parenting struggles and addictions.

5. He Has Lots of Hobbies

Although he has a very busy working life, he has lots of hobbies that he enjoys in his spare time. He likes to travel around the world whenever he has the opportunity and he is a motorcycle enthusiast. Other activities he enjoys are extreme sports, such as snowboarding, and photography.

6. He Posts About His Rear a Lot on Social Media

Chatwin tends to post about his rear a lot on his social media pages and he has explained that this is because it gets a reaction from fans. He also once tweeted about running around the streets of Chicago naked.

7. He Deliberately Eats Tuna Before Love Scenes

When he was filming love and sex scenes for ‘Shameless’, of which there were many, he would deliberately eat tins of tuna fish before shooting the scene to make his breath smell. He has said that it was to annoy his co-stars and admits that his behavior was childish.

8. He Trained in Martial Arts for a Role

When Justin Chatwin landed the role of Goku in ‘Dragonball Evolution’, he needed to do some extra training for the role. This involved him undergoing a six-week intensive training course in mixed martial arts. He also worked closely with the stunt guys from the film who each had specialist training in a different form of martial art.

9. ‘Ghostbusters’ is One of His Favorite Films

Justin Chatwin has admitted that one of his favorite films of all-time is ‘Ghostbusters’. When he had the chance to work with an actor who was in his favorite film he was delighted. Ernie Hudson was in both ‘Ghostbusters’ and ‘Dragonball Evolution’. When Chatwin first met Hudson on the set, Hudson did not know who he was and thought from Chatwin’s behavior that he was just a deranged fan. It wasn’t until they began filming scenes together that Hudson realized that Chatwin was playing the lead role in ‘Dragonball Evolution’.

10. He Didn’t Fit in at High School

When he looks back at his time at high school, Chatwin realizes that he didn’t really have any close friends, just acquaintances. He always found it difficult to fit in with other people and wasn’t part of a group. Looking back, he now believes that this is because he is a creative and artistic person and there were never any other people like that in his classes.

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