Chuck 4.14 “Chuck vs the Seduction Impossible” Review
After last weeks end to the Volkoff arc I wondered how we would kick start this second half of the season, and I’m so glad to say that this was perhaps
Chuck coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews
After last weeks end to the Volkoff arc I wondered how we would kick start this second half of the season, and I’m so glad to say that this was perhaps
Did you miss last week’s episode? Make sure you catch up with last week’s recap! “Chuck vs. The Push Mix” opens in Casey’s hospi
This week we saw what Chuck does best and that is finales, of course this isn’t the season finale (thankfully) but was originally intended to be so. Jos
If you missed last week’s heart-tease of an episode, check out my recap here. The episode opens with Casey getting his ass kicked by a dark-haired woman
Last week Chuck was warm hearted, romantic and fun but with the twist that Sarah was going undercover at Volkoff Ltd. this episode took a darker turn. For tho
It’s been a long, long time since we last checked-in on our favorite accidental spy, so catch up with my most recent recap here. The episode begins in t
“All you need is the girl.” Welcome back Chuck fans, it sure has been a long time but this doozy of an episode sure did make up for the long wait;
With the winter hiatus taking Chuck off the table for next few weeks, it’s giving me a chance to think about how I feel the season, and series as a whol
If you missed Sarah Walker kicking some major ass to save her beloved Chuck last week, check out my recap here. This week’s episode begins in Moscow. Wi
It is close enough to Christmas for Chuck once again to pull out the Die Hard references and whilst this weeks episode was not as strong as the previous homag