Big Brother Season 17 Episode 19 & 20 Review: “Episode 19″/”Episode 20”
Each week, I convince myself that there’s no way that the Big Brother houseguests could be any less intelligent than they were the week before, and ev
Big Brother coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews
Each week, I convince myself that there’s no way that the Big Brother houseguests could be any less intelligent than they were the week before, and ev
The first endurance HOH competition kicked off at the end of Thursday night’s episode of Big Brother after Julie Chen announced that the Battle of the B
It’s been quite the week in the Big Brother house, all starting in Sunday’s episode when Austin foolishly shared twin information with Jason, thin
Over the years, we’ve seen some very unintelligent people play Big Brother. One person in particular that comes to mind is Lawon, who purposefully got h
There wasn’t much question as to who would be going home last night on Big Brother, as Audrey has clearly been digging her own grave all season, one lie
For the first time in a while, despite being nominated every week, Johnny Mac has found himself on the block going into Thursday’s live evictions. In t
It might just be me, but it seems like every person on Big Brother this season is attempting to get evicted. They’re constantly making decisions that ar
This week, Big Brother was all about partying, but amidst the fun, the houseguests also had to face another elimination. Like last week, Johnny Mac found hims
Sunday night’s Big Brother episode brought with it two new HOHs as Vanessa and Austin started actually playing the game. Along with that, it brought a b
With drama queen Da’Vonne and beloved houseguest Meg on the block next to each other for the second eviction of the season, it was fairly obvious who wo