Analyzing “Tu Canción”: A Magical Love Song From Spain (Eurovision 2018)

Tu Canción

For the Eurovision Song Contest in 2018, Spain delivered a magically unique love song on the table. It is the kind of love song that you would expect in a Disney movie, along with the likes of “I See the Light from Tangled or A Whole New World from Aladdin. And of course, the song we are talking about is “Tu Canción (Your Song) by Amaia y Alfred. Tu Canción has a light piano background and a smooth uplifting tone to it which strengthened its sweet romantic tone.

Below, we will understand what “Tu Canción” is all about and maybe finally see why people think it is a good fit for a Disney movie.

Tu Canción

A song about finding love for the first time

The first half of the song revolved around the premise of being in love for the first time, or rather, feeling it real for the first time. The song compared that feeling to traveling to the moon – we once thought it was impossible until it happened (Nunca llegué a imaginar que viajar a la lune sería real).

Feeling real life also felt like the world changing completely, as if love was a force capable of moving everything. Upon feeling real love, a person experiencing it could feel like he was feeling something new, something he would not realize was possible, or simply, something that would change his world, his thoughts, his hopes, and dreams (lo pones todo al revés). And sometimes, the feeling of being in love is hard to hide when you know it is true because there is a voice in your head that would tell you to take pride in it and enjoy it fully (ya no puedo inventarlo).

The chorus talks about dancing for the first time – a beautiful spectacle of love. Dancing is an art that two souls create as if they are trying to hold each other. In dancing in pairs, one leads, and one follows, and the song creates the image of following someone’s lead when one is in love, as love allows oneself to be led to a place they had never been (de mi mente viajera que sigue tus pies). Love, then, is a force that pushes somebody forward. It leads someone to do things that were once thought to be impossible.

Tu Canción


While love might make someone feel better, there would still be some worries that it would not last for long. And that stays in the back of the mind of those who had never felt it before. As they were used to being unloved, being loved is something alien to them, something that would not stick, and experiencing it would make them prepare to no longer experience it.

However, the song has a different take on it. According to the song, love, when true, is something that erases the doubts of both parties. Love is the shelter when the weather gets rough (sé que en ti puedo encontrar esa voz que me abriga si el tiempo va mal). Love is the coat when the world gets cold.

When in love, it would feel that everything is falling into place (a mi lado creando una nueva ciudad). It is because true love intends to be like that. When life seemed to be falling apart, a loving person would be enough to put things into place, as if giving us hope that there would still be someone in the world who would be there. Love does not make one feel alone, instead, it gives one company, a perfect company who will complement one’s life (todo es perfecto si estás)

Finally, love is something that would not need you to change, hence the “si estás” part in the previous lyric in parentheses. It means “as you are.” Because in love, you only need to be who you are. Changing yourself to be loved not only fools the other party but also fools you as well. The other person is not loving you, it would be loving a fictional character. On the other hand, deep down, the thought of your lover loving a different version would eventually consume you.

For love to be perfect (perfecto), both sides, then, had to stay who they are. They would not need to worry if no one would love them for who they are, as someone would eventually find them and love them wholeheartedly. It might seem impossible at first, but like getting to the moon, it would eventually be possible.

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