The Top Five Morgan Freeman Yelling Scenes in Movies

The Top Five Morgan Freeman Yelling Scenes in Movies

For this installment of the Yelling Game we’ll be looking at a man that can truly catch you off guard when he decides to open his mouth and let loose, the iconic Morgan Freeman. By looking at him you can almost tell that he would be able to produce a whip crack with his voice and yet most of the times he can almost lull people to sleep with his calm, nurturing tone that is used so often for narration and could calm down a raging adrenaline junkie. But when he gets to yelling there’s no doubt that you’re supposed to be paying attention and if you’re then you soon will be. His voice goes from calm and reasonable to authoritative like a storm rolling in, gaining intensity and force with each word until you’re hoping and praying that the storm abates soon.

So long as you keep him calm however you have nothing to worry about.

5. Lean On Me

As an educator Freeman seems like he’d be one of the best but also one of the meanest teachers alive if he so chose. He can talk anyone into trusting him and then when he’s ready to lay down the law they might find themselves shocked that they ever believed he was a calm and benevolent individual. But then again he can go right back to being the calm, reasonable person again.

4. Wanted

Sloane is scum without any question. He doesn’t have a redeemable bone in his body and doesn’t want one. What he can’t get through coercion he’ll get through trickery and deceit that long ago became a hallmark of his character. If he’d been going by the rules the order he loved so much might not have existed for so long since the turnover rate seems rather high.

3. The Bucket List

Even if you’re all in for this it seems like a lot of people would panic at the last second. Look at this way, you’re about to be looking down on the earth from a distance that mankind was never meant to achieve under their own power, and you’re attached to a person you hope and pray knows what they’re doing. The good part is that they don’t take people up like this unless they’re certified and experienced, but things do happen.

2. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

There’s something to be said for a man that’s willing to fight for a cause that’s not his own. Freeman’s character in this film was paying off a debt he owed to Robin Hood and nothing more, but when his debt was paid he threw himself into the fight with everything he had. He even rallied those that might have sought to escape rather than taking their country back.

1. Se7en

You’ve just seen the severed head of your partner’s wife, a woman you like and respect. Your partner is holding the suspect responsible for killing her at gunpoint, unaware of what you’ve just seen. Yeah, now would be a good time to go running towards the suspect and your partner and asking him for the gun. Chances are most guys would react the same way though.

Freeman’s voice is hypnotic right up until he snaps it like a whip, then you’re back on your heels faster than you can blink.

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