The Top 10 Baddest Girl Posses in Cinema


I’ve seen many a list talk about the “tough, sexy, powerful babes of cinema,” but nothing that ever really covers when they all get together.  When done right, a female posse can be a beautiful thing.  In rare instances you can get those “2 is better than one” moments.  And in these cases you usually get 3 or 4.  Here are ten awesome posses of chicks in film and I just want to say how happy I am to use the word “posse” for the first time in years.

10. The Angels (Charlie’s Angels)


Say what you will about the movies, but any of these girls could physically dominate you in about two seconds. Unless you have the muscular physique of say, Cripsin Glover. But seriously, even though the Angels are probably the most well known girl-posse around, we’re just warming up.

9. The Bank Robbers (Banditas)


What the hell? There was a movie with Penelope Cruz AND Salma Hayek in it that wasn’t purely in my imagination? Why was this not the highest grossing movie of the year? Oh, it was terrible. Well, OK. But whatever, two hot chicks that rob banks is tops in my book no matter if it’s believable or not. Which it is apparently not.

8. The Spelunking Brigade (The Descent)


These chicks are tough as nails. Not only can they climb through unexplored caves with the best of them, they can fight off the humanoid demon creatures that inhabit them. Well, at least most of them can. And then they turn on each other. But whatever, they’re tough!

7. The Stunt Troupe (Death Proof)


Sure they like to talk for an absolutely ridiculously long time in diners as a camera slowly, slowly circles around them, but once the action starts, the girls from Death Proof brought us possibly one of the coolest car chases ever, with the craziest of them strapped to the hood of a car.

6. The Schoolgirls (D.E.B.S.)


Uh, what the hell is this movie, and where can I see it? Schoolgirls are recruited by the government to take out other rogue hot chicks that they end up falling for. No this is not a late night Cinemax movie, it actually has people you know in it like Jordana Brewster, Meagan Goode and Devon Aoki.  Must. Rent. Now.

5. The Prostitutes (Sin City)


As they say in the film “the girls can take care of themselves.” This is proven exceptionally true when they take up arms against the local gang, setting and springing a trap that amounts to shooting fish in a barrel. Oh, and one of them is a mute samurai who appears elsewhere on this list.

4. The Witches (The Craft)


A dream come true for all the scorned emo girls of high school. People mean to you? Just curse them. Oh but wait, you’re not a real witch. Just listen to Lamb of God then. But these girls were witches and they magicked the hell out of anyone who looked at them the wrong way. You can’t mess with that.

3. The Go-Go Dancers (Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!)


I flipped this movie on one time because the title was so ridiculous, and what I saw was a punch of large chested women beating the crap out of guys in the desert. Sadly I had to go somewhere before it concluded, but I never forgot it. I didn’t even know cleavage like that existed in the sixties! A cult classic with some super solid chicks in it.

2. The Runaways (Thelma and Louise)


As proven by Penelope and Salma, posses can be two people, even if said people are not anywhere as hot as Penelope or Salma. Thelma and Louise had a badass murdering, robbing cross country adventure that stacks up as one of the greatest road trips of cinema. Also along the way one of them banged Brad Pitt and at the end they drive off a cliff into the Grand Canyon, which is officially the most awesome way to die EVER.

1. The DiVAS (Kill Bill)


You don’t get much harder that the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. Sure, they let a guy in, but he was the boss’ brother, and the girls are the core of the group. Sure they end up splitting apart and turning on each other, but in their prime, no one could touch them.

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