Tom Hanks and Robin Wright De-Aged for New Film ‘Here’

Tom Hanks and Robin Wright are set to captivate audiences once again in the upcoming film Here, where the actors appear decades younger thanks to advanced digital de-aging technology. The film, directed by Robert Zemeckis, is based on Richard McGuire’s 2014 graphic novel of the same name. It uniquely takes place over a century in a single location, with the camera fixed in one position throughout its 104-minute runtime.

The movie reunites Hanks and Wright with Zemeckis, their Forrest Gump director, as they portray a couple navigating life’s journey from youth to old age. This innovative storytelling approach is complemented by the use of traditional makeup effects and digital technology to de-age the actors, adding a fresh dynamic to their performances. The film’s narrative promises to be a compelling exploration of time and human experience.

A 104-Minute Journey Through a Static Frame in ‘Here’

Here takes an innovative approach by keeping the camera fixed in one position throughout its 104-minute runtime. This static perspective captures the evolving stories of the home’s inhabitants over 100 years. Tom Hanks stars as Richard, and Robin Wright plays his wife, Margaret. The film’s narrative spans their journey from youth to old age, necessitating their de-aged appearances achieved through traditional makeup and digital technology. This method offers a fresh take on storytelling, allowing viewers to see the passage of time from a singular viewpoint.

Reuniting with Robert Zemeckis and Eric Roth

Tom Hanks and Robin Wright De-Aged for New Film ‘Here’

The film marks a reunion for Hanks and Wright with their Forrest Gump director, Robert Zemeckis, who co-wrote the screenplay with Eric Roth, the original writer of Forrest Gump. Speaking to Vanity Fair, Zemeckis shared his excitement about the film’s unique storytelling method, stating:

The single perspective never changes, but everything around it does. It’s actually never been done before. It was a risky venture, but that’s the excitement of it.

Zemeckis and Roth’s collaboration brings a depth of experience and creative vision to the project, promising a richly layered narrative.

De-Aging Technology and Traditional Makeup Effects

Tom Hanks and Robin Wright De-Aged for New Film ‘Here’

One of the most talked-about aspects of Here is the de-aging of Tom Hanks and Robin Wright. The actors have been transformed to look decades younger through a combination of traditional makeup effects and cutting-edge digital de-aging technology. This transformation is crucial for the film, as it shows their characters’ journey from teenagers to older adults. Director Robert Zemeckis explained:

“Both Tom and Robin understood instantly that, ‘Okay, we have to go back and channel what we were like 50 years ago or 40 years ago, and we have to bring that energy, that kind of posture, and even raise our voices higher.’ That kind of thing.”

Exploring Mortality Through a Fixed Perspective

Tom Hanks and Robin Wright De-Aged for New Film ‘Here’

Zemeckis described the film as a meditation on mortality. He said:

What passes by this view of the universe? I think it’s an interesting way to do a meditation on mortality. It taps into the universal theme that everything passes.

This fixed perspective not only grounds the narrative in a single location but also allows for a profound exploration of time and change. The unique storytelling method challenges the audience to think deeply about the nature of existence and the passage of time.

Stellar Supporting Cast Enhances the Narrative

Tom Hanks and Robin Wright De-Aged for New Film ‘Here’

Here boasts a stellar supporting cast, including Paul Bettany and Kelly Reilly as Richard’s parents, Al and Rose, a couple at the turn of the 20th century played by Michelle Dockery and Gwilym Lee, and an inventor and a pin-up model during the 1920s portrayed by David Fynn and Ophelia Lovibond. This diverse ensemble adds depth to the narrative, portraying different eras and perspectives within the same house, further enriching the film’s exploration of time and human connections.

Here is set to release in theaters on November 15. The film promises to be a significant cinematic event. The anticipation surrounding its release is palpable, as audiences eagerly await to see how this innovative approach to storytelling will unfold on the big screen.

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