When Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios come together to produce a computer-animated film, best believe it’ll turn out right. Inside Out sits on top of Rotten Tomatoes’ Best-Reviewed Animated Movies of 2015. Besides its amazing graphics, it’s hard to ignore the ingeniousness of the film’s storyline.
We’ve all been there, thinking and wondering what goes on inside someone else’s mind. Inside Out helps put things in a better perspective. The story follows Riley, an 11-year-old, forced to move with her family away from the life she knows in Minnesota to San Francisco.
One of the hardest things for any parent is trying to understand the inner workings of the mind of their child. The film takes a closer look at Riley’s five personified emotions and how they affect her attitude when each takes control.
To breathe life into the characters, these are the cast of Pixar’s 2015 Inside Out film.
Riley (Kaitlyn Dias)

Credit: Inside Out
Riley is an 11-year-old who is super comfortable with life in Minnesota. She has made new friends at home and school and is looking to grow up around them. But, her life gets turned upside down when her dad gets a new job in San Francisco.
Riley struggles to adapt to her new home and city and sees her go through a wide range of emotions. However, most of the movie’s storyline focuses on the five emotions in her head. Kaitlyn Dias gives a voice-over for Riley. This would be Dias voice acting debut. Although relatively new to the acting world, Dias has taken acting classes since she was five.
Joy (Amy Poehler)

Credit: Inside Out
American comedian Amy Poehler lends her voice to the Joy character in the film. Joy is portrayed as the leader of the emotions in Riley’s head. She has yellowish skin, blue hair, and blue eyes. She also puts on a lime-green dress and loves to walk around barefooted.
As the leader of the emotions pack, she’s the movie’s main protagonist. She fully controls the joy and happy memories to keep Riley happy. Joy is naturally optimistic and always willing to turn sad moments into joy.
As far as Joy is concerned, Sadness is an emotion that shouldn’t exist. However, she would later realize towards the end of the film that Sadness is a necessary emotion. She finally chooses to work together with Sadness to give Riley new experiences.
Sadness (Phyllis Smith)

Credit: Inside Out
Phyllis Smith delivers the voice role of the Sadness character. Sadness is quite a unique emotion and was the second to be formed inside Riley’s head as a baby. Sadness was the reason Riley had her first cry at the hospital. But trust Joy to quickly get her out of the way to make Riley happy again.
Of all the emotions in Riley’s head, Sadness is the least understood. Although Joy played the front role for Riley as a child, approaching her teen years and having to deal with the move to San Francisco, Sadness became a necessary emotion.
Sadness definitely looks the part. She has light blue skin and wears a turtleneck sweater. She also wears big round glasses and has navy blue hair. She’s also always tired.
Fear (Bill Hader)

Credit: Inside Out
We often understand fear to be a form of weakness. However, in the movie, Fear takes control when he wants to keep Riley safe. Yet, as protective as this may seem, it limits Riley from taking risks or trying new activities. Instead, fear spends his time searching out dangers and risks.
Bill Hader lends his voice to the Fear character. Fear has a purple skin appearance and wears long sleeves, a checkered sweater, and a bowtie. He’s also got a protruding nose, bulging eyes, and thick brows.
Anger (Lewis Black)

Credit: Inside Out
Lewis Black is an American stand-up comedian and actor and does the voice-over for Anger. For most of Riley’s life, Anger stays away from taking charge and spends his time reading The Mind Reader. Although he has a short fuse, he truly cares for Riley and believes he knows best to be in charge.
He’s got a red skin appearance, wearing folded white sleeves on brown trousers. When Anger is Angry, you can expect the top of his head to burst into flames.
Disgust (Mindy Kaling)

Credit: Inside Out
It’s easy to hear Mindy Kaling’s voice in the Disgust character. She keeps her eyes open to ensure no broccoli is near Riley. She also serves as Riley’s fashion stylist. A no-nonsense, highly opinionated character that is unwilling to lower her standards.
She’s not hard to miss. She’s got light green skin and green hair. She wears a green gown, a pink shawl, and matching green tights. She is also the only emotion that has eyelashes.Inside Out helps put things in a better perspective
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