The Five Best Blue Power Rangers of All-Time

The Five Best Blue Power Rangers of All-Time

If you’ve ever watched the Power Rangers in any form then you’d know that the Blue Ranger has a few characteristics that have been pretty typical since the group was created. One is that they’re somewhat intelligent and have a distinct knowledge that aids the group, another is that they’re second in command or at least listened to on a regular basis. Apart from that the Blue Ranger is usually one of the Rangers that is front and center when the team needs them but has a few issues to work out that will generally be taken care of during the course of a season or a show. The Blue Ranger is just as integral to the group as the others but has taken on different responsibilities throughout the years as the person behind the mask has even taken on different Ranger colors as well.

Here are some of the best Blue Rangers of all time.

5. Flynn McAllister – Power Rangers RPM

Flynn was the kind of kid that never really grew out of the love he had for superheroes and allowed it to translate into his everyday life. He had a serious need to help others and took his desire to the limit and past it. This was a guy that was never satisfied with a job well done and tried to do so much that he wound up making things worse occasionally. Flynn had a special ability that other Blue Rangers didn’t have though, he could stop time for about ten seconds, just enough to give any fighter the edge. He was also one of the Blue Rangers that was extremely intelligent when it came to mechanics.

4. T.J. – Power Rangers in Space

TJ actually suffered a demotion since he was the Red Ranger at one point. But when he became the Blue Ranger he wasn’t too disappointed as he was more of a team player than anything and he’d wanted to be Power Ranger since he was kid. In this way he was happy just to have the job and didn’t worry too much about the details. He was also the guy that would himself in the line of fire when his team needed him. Unfortunately this meant that a lot of times he’d end up more injured than the rest of the team. This included one incident where he was struck in the head so hard that he suffered from amnesia for a while.

3. Ethan James – Power Rangers Dino Thunder

Ethan had a strong interest in technology and was a serious gamer, which in some ways put him right up there with the original Blue Ranger, Billy Cranston. The Dino Thunder era actually manage to take fans back to the Mighty Morphin era with a lot of different similarities, not the least of which was having Tommy Oliver as a teacher and mentor. But despite being similar to Billy, Ethan was his own person and made it known. Ethan was the kind of guy that would look for the easy way out when it came to many things. It had nothing to do with cowardice, it was more that he didn’t believe he needed the added experience. He managed to learn his lesson after one particular fight however.

2. Billy Cranston – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Billy is the first Blue Ranger that helped to kick the series off and he’s also the Blue Ranger with the most episodes to his name. In the beginning he didn’t know how to fight and yet he was one of the smartest people in Angel Grove. He took martial arts lessons from Jason and eventually his skills increased through battle and practice. His intelligence however was his main attribute as he managed to create communicators for the entire team that would allow them to communicate with Zordon and teleport to the command center without Zordon or Alpha-5 needing to facilitate the trip.

1. Schuyler “Sky” Tate – Power Rangers S.P.D.

Sky really thought that he as going to be appointed the status of Red Ranger at first and was extremely disappointed that he became the Blue Ranger instead. Having been top of his squad and being one of those with the most experience he’d kind of coveted the role of the leader for himself. Unfortunately as the Blue Ranger he was insubordinate and caused dissension in the ranks, but eventually he learned how to get along and follow orders. His use of force fields was pretty interesting since he could use them for defense or offense as he needed them.

The Blue Ranger always the strongest, smartest, or most skilled, but they were usually someone that had yet to learn about their true value to the team and while the Rangers were switched around from time to time the Blue Ranger was quite often the heart of the group in one way or another.

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