Supernatural JIB Convention: Jared, Jensen, Misha, Sebastian, Misha’s Resume and More

Day 3 of the Supernatural JIB convention turned out to be a different kind of day. While the entire convention was amusing, today seemed more about the actors letting loose and acting hilarious. Day 1 and day 2 gave us a lot of good answers to questions about the show and day 3 gave us the Misha resume story (more on that soon).
All of the Supernatural boys were in fine form. Putting Richard Speight, Jr., Sebastian Roché and Mark Pellegino together in a panel was a genius move, because what resulted was a nearly incomprehensible 40 minutes of hilarity. It was impossible to transcribe, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.
Jared did mention a recent prank that Jensen had played on him that he didn’t mention yesterday. He said that during the episode Jensen was directing in season 7, Jared had a scene where he had to get out of a car, walk up to a motel room door, stand there for a second and walk in. Jensen’s stunt double was on set that day. When Jensen called action, Jared went to open the door, but Jensen’s double was on the inside of the room and started running at the door, so he hit Jared full on and smacked him down to a pile of mats. We’ll be seeing it on the season 7 gag reel.
The Trench Coat Scene Redux
During day 2, both Jensen and Misha mentioned they thought the scene from episode 7.17 where Dean gave Castiel his coat back was a little ridiculous. But a fan brought up the scene again today during their panels again today. Jensen said: “Misha and Bob Singer, who was directing that episode, we were crying-laughing at how ridiculous it was that I had his jacket nicely folded in the trunk of the car…and not even the Impala, but a stolen car. There was no reason for the jacket to be in the trunk of that car. And Bob was like ‘just do it, alright?!’ Then we started saying the dialogue out loud and it…it was so bad. There was a line [Misha] said that he couldn’t get out because it was so ridiculous, so we changed it. [The trench coat] was so perfectly folded with the tie and the collar and Bob’s like ‘�can you present it so we can see what it is’and I was like ‘no! No, I can’t!’ Know that we have problems shooting scenes sometimes.”
Later, during the joint panel, Jensen explained that the line was “so out of character”, they couldn’t get it out. The dialogue would have basically indicated that Dean petted the coat. They had to completely change it. “We asked ourselves how we could have changed it around to make it more believable for these characters.” They think that two men probably wouldn’t have gone on like the conversation did.
When one fan asked whether Dean has forgiven Castiel for breaking the wall in Sam’s head, Jensen replied “No.” Will it happen? “Not this year. Maybe next year.”
The Misha Resume Story
For a convention that was filled with hilarious moments, this may have been the funniest. During Jensen and Misha’s panel, a woman named Monica got up to ask a question. She had found a resume belonging to Misha from about 15 years ago. She mentioned it during the panel, wanting to ask Misha about his Appalachian clog dancing “special skill”.
But Misha was so surprised by the appearance of the resume that he asked to see it and Jensen went to town with the list of special skills, which included “acting on camera” and “bicycle touring” (see a photo of the resume section on the next page, as well as photos of them reacting).
Jensen’s reaction to the list, and Misha’s self-deprecating nature, resulted in the both of them crying from laughter and left the audience howling. If you can find a way to see it, it’s not to be missed.
Memorable Scenes
Jensen regaled the audience with a tale of one of his most memorable scenes, which was filming Dean’s monologue in “All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2”: “I went up to Kim Manner’s office and talked about the scene a few days beforehand, which I didn’t really do [because we usually only talk about the scenes the day of]. I said this would be a tough scene to film and I’m going to need some help from you in directing this so I can just get through it in a few takes. Kim blacked out the whole set – it was literally just the light on Jared. The camera guys all got into black outfits, so it literally erased all of the crew from my eyesight. Normally, if I’m doing a scene, there’s 50 people [in front and around me]. You don’t see it, but I know they’re there. He set up two cameras and they just slowly moved back and forth and I was able to do the scene in 3 takes. I remember how much he cared for me as a director.”
Random Quotes and Facts
When asked if there was something he wished he could do Jared said “I do wish I could speak foreign languages.” Misha added that “Sebastian makes us feel bad about ourselves and I’m sick of it.”
Jensen was asked if he would ever want to write an episode of Supernatural: “I don’t have a desire to write an episode. I’ve love to maybe help conceptualize one – help come up with an idea for one. Writing has never been my thing, I’ve never been good at it. I second-guess myself too much. I love to play music and sing, but writing by myself…I’ll write a line that I think is good and then . I’ve tried to write scripts before, but it’s the same thing. I know what I want to say, but then I second-guess how I want to say it.”
Rob Benedict said that one of his band’s song was playing during a Supernatural episode from this season (“The Slice Girls”). Apparently one of the producers had been at a Louden Swain concert and heard a song and licensed it for use during the bar scene where Dean first chats up the Amazon.
During the Jensen and Misha panel, Jensen relayed to the audience a humorous story Jared had just told him. Apparently, during an autograph session this afternoon, a fan said “I want to thank you so much for being amazing”. Jared replied “you’re welcome.” Apparently he felt so incredibly embarrassed about his response afterward, but Jensen and Misha thought it was hilarious.
When asked where he came up with the photos for the snowman movie prank, Jim Beaver replied “I hired a film company to make the snowman movie. It cost me $32 million. Some of them are still up there, because the roads aren’t good.”
Jensen bemoaned that he and Jared have “…been together way too long. The fact that we’re wearing the same shirt today….he showed up this morning and I said ‘dude, really?'”
Jim Beaver said he loved that the episode “Death’s Door” really gave insight into Bobby and his life: “I thought that was great writing. I thought Sera [Gamble] did a fabulous job bringing that whole thing around. Seven seasons in, it was really nice to get this revelation of a big chunk more of how Bobby got to be how he is. When I read the script I thought ‘oh, that’s beautiful’.”
The End of Supernatural
Yesterday, both Jared and Jensen were asked what they want for the end of Supernatural. Jensen has often said he wants the Winchesters to go out in a blaze of glory, but this time Jared added that “I think the way it should end is that Sam and Dean should go into a field somewhere and say goodbye and then Dean goes into the Impala and Sam goes into another car and Dean looks over his shoulder and sees Ruby [Jared’s real life wife, Genevieve Padalecki] sitting next to Sam and he thinks ‘wait a minute, isn’t that….?'”
The boys also discussed what they might like to do after the show is finished. Jared said “We’ve been pretty lucky, both Jensen and myself, to find a project that’s progressive, that we’ve grown with, and been able to tell several stories. The business has also been offering to be in certain roles, but it’s usually when we’re shooting the show. Every year we’ve had to decide whether to stick with Supernatural or to try for movies and other stories. But we’ve been so inspired by what we’ve seen for this show around the world that we’ve stuck with it.” In the summer, “I would love to spend some time with my son and my wife. Beyond [the show], I’d like to see what stories people are telling and whether I can be part of it.”
Use the arrows above to view photos from day 3 of the Supernatural JIB convention. There’s quite a few shots of the boys having a lot of fun.
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Photos Credit: @ingenue_meg
Resume courtesy of @mfluder_42

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