Sam still can’t see the gore in the microwave, so Dean describes what attacked him and Sam concludes that they’re fighting fairies, and that fairies are just what people call aliens these days. So the boys go speak to Marion who tells them all about fairies – how they live in another realm, take first born sons, that they love cream, hate iron and silver, and that they’ll have to stop to count grains of salt and sugar if it’s dropped in front of them.
Fight the Fairies!
They find Brennan buying up a lot of cream at the supermarket and track him. Dean breaks into Brennan’s store and finds elves making the watches. Sam confronts Brennan in the bar. He finds out that he has Parkinson’s, which prevented him from making watches. He learned the spell to summon the elves to get help. A leprechaun appeared and promised Brennan that he would make him successful, and all they wanted in return was Brennan’s first born, and the first born of others. There’s a way to reverse the spell, but he can’t get to the book because the elves are guarding it.
Dean sees the creepy man again in the streets. He follows him and then attacks him, but he turns out to be a little person. Dean attacks him, which is witnessed by everyone on the street, and Dean gets arrested. Dean whiles away time in prison while Brennan and Sam go into the shop. Apparently cream gets the elves nice and drunk, so Brennan is able to get the book from the safe.
Then he gets stabbed before he can finish the spell and it turns out that Whitaker is the head leprechaun. He can sense Sam doesn’t have a soul in his body, but says it’s not completely out of reach. He offers to get it back for a price. Sam doesn’t buy it, but Whitaker says fairies can do real magic and get it out of Lucifer’s box. Sam shoots him, but it doesn’t seem to kill him.
Creepy guys gets into Dean’s cell and starts beating him up, just as Sam is getting pummeled by Whitaker in the shop. Sam eventually opens up a salt shaker and reads out the spell as the Whitaker stops to count the grains. Both he and the guy beating up Dean disappear back to the fairies realm.
As the episode ends, the boys are drinking beer on a stretch of road. Sam admitted to Dean that the leprechaun offered to return his soul. Sam says he refused because it was a deal and all of the deals they’ve made have turned out wrong. Dean seems to wonder whether Sam doesn’t want his soul back after all, but Sam denies that’s true. Looking at his face in the final seconds, however, we believe Sam may be having second thoughts.
I loved it. I absolutely loved it. I loved the humor and the silliness. I loved Sam pretending to be a real boy and trying to act emphatic. I especially liked how the dynamic between the brothers seems to have improved, to a degree. They’re not like they were before (and they can’t be while Sam is soulless), but it’s clear that Sam was trying to act like he thought Dean wanted him to act at the beginning of the episode, even if he admitted it was exhausting.
This was a classic episode of Supernatural that’s sure to go down in the history books along with some of its other stellar episodes, including ‘Tall Tales’, ‘Hollywood Babylon’or even ‘Bad Day at Black Rock’. While Jensen does comedy extremely well, Jared acted the hell out of his part tonight. I’ve been impressed with how differently he’s been playing Sam this season, but he nailed every scene tonight, especially the funny ones.
But it’s the ending that worries me. I believe there’s a way to retrieve Sam’s soul. I don’t think the writers would fake us out this much only to have Sam soulless for the remainder of the show. The question is whether Sam will agree to have it returned. If he doesn’t, can Dean force him? And why the change in tune from last week’s confession that Sam believed he would be better off with a soul? Was he simply enjoying himself too much this episode? Being without a soul has certainly given Sam a new appreciation for the ladies. He’s like the old Dean – checking out women, taking them to bed, playing fast and loose with the ‘looks’. Or is he not eager to experience all of the suffering that having a soul brings, like Dean was so quick to point out all the time? There are dark days ahead, boys and girls. I think it’ll come down to a fight and Sam won’t take his soul back willingly, but I don’t know what that will mean for him when he’s re-souled.
In any event, let’s not dwell on the unpleasant potential future. Let’s focus on the glorious, hilarious present. Bring me another episode just as funny as this one, please!
Except, before we have that, we apparently get a terribly serious episode on December 3, with the return of Meg (watch the promo here).
clarissa @
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I love souless sam, he is awesome!!!! So funny!!! Please, no more emo sammy!!!!
Ps. Jared is great at comedy!