It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia 6.12 “Dee Gives Birth” Review

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia 6.12 “Dee Gives Birth” Review“Dee Gives Birth,” the penultimate episode of season six, has Dennis looking after Dee in the hospital as she goes into labor and the rest of the gang rounding up all of Dee’s former lovers to try to figure out who knocked her up.

When I say all of Dee’s former “lovers,” I mean all of them. There’s Bill Ponderosa, Ben the soldier, Rex the billboard model, Lil’ Kev (the aforementioned potential retarded person), Rickety Cricket and even the gross, greasy Korean cook from Mr. Kim’s. Duncan, Frank’s buddy from under the bridge, and his friend (Chad Coleman from The Wire) also attended to provide music (such as “Informer” by Canadian rapper Snow) and musings on jean shorts.

Over the course of the get together, Mac and Charlie interview each of the men regarding their history with Dee. Unfortunately, the only interviews shown are with Bill (who turns out to be incredibly sketchy) and Ben. Dee’s method for bedding these men is also classic Dee. She verbally abuses them until they break down and agree to have sex with her.

The episode did a great job of making the viewer feel like the whole series had been leading up to Dee’s baby’s birth, which ended up being one of the only tender moments of the series (thanks to Duncan’s choice of music). For once, the gang are all on the same page and actually happy for one of their own.

“Dee Gives Birth” also saw one of the best Dennis moments in the season. Upon seeing a man who he believes to be dead in Dee’s hospital room, he puts sunglasses on the man á la Weekend at Bernie’s. It was definitely one of the most envelope-pushing moments of the past few seasons.

Aside from the lack of Lil’ Kevin (he was mostly in the background for the episode), tonight’s Sunny was perfect.

They did it.

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