credit: Netflix
Netflix has, without a doubt, been the leading streaming service provider. From being the first notable service to being the most long-lasting, Netflix has nearly everything. When we state that Netflix nearly has everything, we mean that different programs come in and out of the streamer and other providers. However, what Netflix stayed dominant in was original content. From adaptations of previous works to creating shows like Locke & Key, Lucifer, The Sandman, and nearly one hundred others, Netflix doesn’t disappoint, most of the time. On top of its adaptations of others’ work, Netflix also has massive amounts of original content, such as Stranger Things. However, Stranger Things seasons have taken longer than anyone would care to wait for, and with the last season being split into two parts, the future of Season 5 has been more up-in-the-air than any previous season, especially as it’ll be the last for the show as well. Below, we’ve detailed what we know about the upcoming Stranger Things season and the Season 5 release date.

credit: Netflix
Stranger Things
Stranger Things has been a show that pushed the boundaries of mystery and supernatural since its first season was released in 2016. From that first season, Stranger Things has only grown exponentially. For a good reason, the show broke ground for its highly original storyline and use of younger actors in such a demanding project and dark setting. While Stranger Things has been tied to the supernatural genres, many people may associate it with monsters or ghosts. Still, Stranger Things has adapted the genre by evolving what the creators love about authors like Stephen King and directors like Speilberg and creating their horror. From the horrors created with each season of Stranger Things, fans get beyond eager for the next one and can’t do anything but anticipate the release date of the next Stranger Things season, such as Season 5 currently.

credit: Netflix
Previous Stranger Things Release Dates
Previously, Netflix has released seasons of shows in a much more lenient schedule than the average television network or service provider. On average, Netflix shows are released over a year from the previous season’s release date, regardless of the show. Still, even some movies have sequels released on the platform in nearly under a year, surprisingly. When it came to Stranger Things, the show’s first season was released in 2016, on July 15th, 2016, to be specific, but it wasn’t until October of the following year, one year and three months after the first season premiered. So statistically and technically, the Stranger Things Season 1 and Season 2 release dates were released a year from one another, 2016 and 2017, but that little bit of extra time truly made a difference. The release date for Stranger Things Season 3 from Season 2 was the most extended wait at the tie that we had waited for a release date of Stranger Things to approach, over 615 days. However, it wasn’t until the time between the Stranger Things release dates for Season 3 and Season 4 that we had to wait a long time for a new season of Stranger Things. The gap from the Stranger Things Season 3 release date to the Season 4 release date was over two years, as Season 3 premiered on July 14th, 2019, and Stranger Things Season 4 premiered on May 27th, 2022, for its first volume, while the second volume premiered two months later in July.

credit: Netflix
Stranger Things Season 5 Release Date
With a total wait time of over two years, and a total of 1058 days between the Stranger Things release date for Season 3 and Season 4, fans will likely be waiting at least that long for Stranger Things Season 5 release date, especially with the amount of time it took for The Duffer Brothers to apply the necessary visual effects to the final two episodes of Stranger Things Season 4 that made up Part 2 of the season, with a separate release date than the rest of Stranger Things Season 4. While fans don’t wish to wait as long as we have been made to wait for the next release date from Stranger Things, especially with Season 5 being the epic finale to the highly original show, it will likely be beyond worth it. Although Stranger Things Season 4 and its release date were separated into two parts, Netflix didn’t force its hand with a rush to release the show, which made for the best product possible with each season of the show so far. Overall, while the production delays for the finished visual effects may have pushed Stranger Things Season 4 into two parts, its unlikely that Netflix would extend the show to separate parts again, or at least make us wait any longer between the parts of a season than they did with Season 4.
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