Stephen Colbert Invites Stephen Miller to Tell Lies on The Late Show

Stephen Colbert Invites Stephen Miller to Tell Lies on The Late Show

Stephen Colbert was very quick to point out that there was one glaring omission at the 2017 Grammy Awards.  Donald Trump didn’t win anything.   “Rigged.  Totally rigged.  Millions of illegal Grammy Voters, sad.”  Colbert went on his usual rant about Donald Trump’s insane job details.  Trump took a national security call during a dinner at a regular restaurant, literally.   Other diners were looking at secure documents with their phones.  I wish I were making this stuff up.

As if this isn’t bad enough, the discussion went back to the travel ban.  The name Stephen Miller came up.  Miller is a White House senior policy advisor and a “young Gargamel” according to Colbert.  Looks like Miller is going to be late night’s new nemesis at least for the short term.   Miller appeared on practically every single Sunday show.

Have you seen this guy Miller speak?  Wow.  Just wow.  Late night is going to have a field day with this guy.  Colbert actually went as far as to use an expletive last night, which is very rare.

Check out Colbert’s monologue below:

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