Does Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Have A Post-Credits Scene?

To a certain degree, Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse has notable connections to the MCU. One thing that points to this is the appearance of actors like Donald Glover, in the film playing more or less the same character he played in the MCU. Based on this, it is not far-fetched to expect that Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse would have post-credits scenes as is given with other MCU films. This is not the case. 

The lack of a post-credits scene is one of the points where Across The Spider-Verse does not converge with other superhero movies. However, the film is a sequel to the 2018 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which has a post-credit scene. This makes it strange that the film has no post-credit scene. In the absence of a post-credits scene, the film ends on a cliffhanger and promises the return of Miles Morales. 

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Does Not Have a Post-Credits Scene

Miles Morales Spider-Man looking shocked in Across The Spider-Verse

Post-credits scenes have become common among superhero movies, as popularised by the MCU films. However, their absence in Across the Spider-Verse will not have any significant effect on the film’s plot. The sequel is as thrilling and visually stunning as its predecessor. It continues the story of Miles Morales as he navigates the multiverse. 

The franchise’s first film’s post-credits scene introduced Miguel O’Hara. In this scene, he works on building the Spider-verse, teasing what was to come in the sequel. If anything, the promise of Miles Morales’ return assures viewers that there more is to be seen of Miles Morales, despite the absence of a post-credits scene.

Was a Post-Credit Scene Deleted?

spider-man across the spider-verse spot

Across the Spider-Verse did have a post-credits scene. Phil Lord, who worked on the film as a writer and producer confirmed that it was deleted. This scene was supposed to show the film’s villain, Spot at The Bar with No Name. This is the drinking hole where all the villains of the Spider-Verse visit. Spot, who would be the principal character in the Post-Credit scene, would have revisited the bar earlier in the movie after he had a humiliating experience where he ordered a drink and it kept spilling out of his holes. 

The Post-Credit scene was meant to focus on Spot and explore how much stronger he had become. Spot’s re-visit to the bar would have been to destroy it, where he would have defeated some of the strongest villains in the universe. All of this would have shown how much stronger he had become.  

When Is Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse Getting Released?

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse at the Oscars

Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse is the final entry of the Spider-Verse universe and is set to be released on March 29, 2024. The end of Across the Spider-Verse promised the return of Morales, and he is expected to battle Spot and O’Hara, all in a bid to save his father. It is believed that this will result in a befitting conclusion to the Spider-Verse franchise.

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