credit: Sons of Anarchy
If you’re a fan of classic mobster movies or shows, check out Sons of Anarchy. This series premiered back in 2008 and ended in 2014. The series really helped reignite the interest in television crime drama and was often described as The Sopranos with bikers. But don’t call them a gang because they don’t view themselves as criminals. On the contrary, they pride themselves on being a motorcycle club. By definition, they were criminals, but their main crime was gun-running. They had a serious disdain for drug dealers, rival street gangs, and corrupt law enforcement or government officials. In a way, they were outlaws with a code. Heck, they even had a structured system of rules and a body of government. At the head of that “government” was President Clarence “Clay” Morrow.
By the time viewers were introduced to the first season of Sons of Anarchy, they were in the middle of Clay’s presidency of the club. Underneath him was the main protagonist/anti-hero of the entirety of the series, Jackson “Jax” Teller. The intense father/son relationship between these two characters served as the key rivalry that kept the series going. In fact, Clay’s transgressions against Jax’s family and the club are what set almost every conflict they faced into motion.
The First 9 Is Where It All Started
That’s another story that stems from the very beginning of the formation of the Sons of Anarchy club. Nine men were the founders and the original members of the club, with Clay Morrow being one of them. Another key founding club member was Jax’s father, John “JT” Teller. The two of them and seven other founding members started the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club ( SAMCRO). These nine original members of the club were known as the First 9.

credit: Sons of Anarchy
The First 9, especially Jax’s father, who served as the club’s very first President, was mentioned many times throughout the series. For all of you fans out there, you know full well how their stories ended. But wouldn’t it be cool to see how their stories began? Series creator Kurt Sutter has often expressed much interest in developing a prequel series revolving around the First 9. That would’ve seemed like the obvious move when the series ended, but we got the Mayans series to continue the Sons of Anarchy legacy.
Charlie Hunnam Has Implied Even Jax Can Return
While the Mayans series has had its moment, such as bringing back fan-favorite characters Filip “Chibs” Telford and Alexander “Tig” Trager, the interest in seeing how the First 9 came together is still very high. Needless to say, we need that prequel series. The Mayans series is keeping the Sons of Anarchy momentum going, not to mention Charlie Hunnam has recently hinted that we may even be seeing Jax return. How would that even work? Sons of Anarchy fans remember very well how his journey ended, but it did happen off-screen. During an interview with Etalk, Hunnam explained the idea he had in mind for the continuation of the Sons of Anarchy series, which may or may not involve Jax’s involvement.
He didn’t provide many details, but he summed it up to portray how masculinity is viewed today differently. Granted, he also mentioned that it was just an idea he was thinking about, and nothing was ever set in motion. That is, at least not yet. You can bet he has had conversations with Kurt Sutter about a possible Jax Teller return or a First 9 prequel series with or without his involvement. Sutter himself has undoubtedly thought about it and is probably currently working on it.

credit: Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy fans may want to see what was Jax’s father like. In fact, what was a young Clay Morrow like? And let’s not forget about the other First 9 members we got to see in the series, the only other two being Piney and Opie. Piney was JT’s right-hand man and was always at odds with Clay, so it would be very interesting to see how those relationships developed. We still have at least five other original members we have yet to see and their parts in forming the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club.
We Can See the Backstories Of The Original Members Of SAMCRO
Before they started running guns under Clay, the whole purpose of the club was to be a group where men could feel like they were rebelling against society. It was more about freedom rather than profit. Perhaps that’s how Clay initially felt and then slowly turned away from those ideals. And just in case anyone was wondering, it is very possible the series can sneak in a quick Jax cameo. We should never have cameos for the sake of having them, but we can trust Kurt Sutter if he wants to bring back our original anti-hero protagonist.
What are your thoughts, Sons of Anarchy fans? Does the idea of a First 9 prequel series interest you? This is something that can still happen and very well should. If it does, we’ll likely hear about progress on its development of it soon. Fingers crossed.
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