Sharkwater Filmmaker Rob Stewart Found Dead at 37

Sharkwater Filmmaker Rob Stewart Found Dead at 37

Rob Stewart is best known around the world for being an acclaimed documentarian.   Stewart rose to public acclaim upon the release of his 2006 film Sharkwater which helped raise awareness of shark finning which lead to the eventual bad of the practice in 2013.  Shark finning refers to the removal and retention of shark fins and the discard at sea of the carcass. The shark is most often still alive when it is tossed back into the water. Unable to swim, the shark slowly sinks toward the bottom where it is eaten alive by other fish.

Stewart had been reported missing on Tuesday following a deep sea scuba dive to visit the wreckage of the Queen of Nassau off the Florida Keys.   Authorities spent a week looking for him. Stewart was making a follow up to Sharkwater entitled Revolution but the status of this film is now up in the air.  The official Sharkwater website released a statement.

Rob has been found, peacefully in the ocean. There are no words. We are so deeply grateful to everyone who helped search, and happy that Rob passed while doing what he loved. We are working on how best to honour his incredible work. The Stewart family kindly asks that they are given some private time to grieve.

Stewart’s Sharkwater received praise and honors around the globe after debuting at the Toronto Film Festival.  The film won 31 awards around the world.  Rob was only 37 years old.  If you haven’t gotten a chance to ever see Sharkwater we’ve provided the trailer below.

Rob Stewart will be missed.

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