Seth Meyers Takes a Closer Look at Jeff Sessions, Trump, and Russia

Seth Meyers Takes a Closer Look at Jeff Sessions, Trump, and Russia

After Donald Trump concluded his first speech to a joint Congress this week, many were optimistic that this would be the start of a more “Presidential” Trump.  Some even said that he hit the “reset” button and that this was his chance to start fresh.  But less than 48 hours after his speech was given (and don’t get me wrong there was plenty wrong with it but I won’t get into that now), yet another key member of his staff is facing Russian ties allegations.

Jeff Sessions is the latest story to hit the White House.  Sessions is yet another name that’s connected with the Trump’s campaign ties to Russia.  He’s already recused himself of the inquiry and many are expecting his resignation to come next.

At this point it just seems it’s a matter of time before all of this leads right back to Trump (if it hasn’t already).   Seth Meyers took to his late night show to offer his assessment of everything going on at the White House.  Meyers didn’t waste too much time before rightly criticizing every single facet of this administration and its wrong doings.

I’d rather get my “real news” from late night talk shows than anywhere else.  Seth Meyers proves why I feel this way.  Check out the clip below:

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