credit: See
Even in a dystopian future, it would appear that fear and superstition are bound to rule over the hearts and minds of people who are content to follow and not lead the way or even think for themselves. While the nations left to rule over the masses are not at peace, at least not entirely, it stands to reason that they might have been had the head science officer not been so intent on avenging their top general, who was no prize despite the fact that he was their leader. But unleashing a bit of technology that was devastating in the far-flung past is a serious red flag when it comes to the idea of how it will be used to assert dominance once again and possibly destroy those who don’t want to comply with whatever regime is trying to take over. In the meantime, it’s being seen that Maghra, no matter how tough she gets, is slowly losing control of her own kingdom. In the meantime, she’s close to losing the loyalty of those who still see fit to follow her.
The anti-sight sentiment is still very much a factor in this story.
While it doesn’t feel as though this issue was given that much attention in this episode, the anti-sight sentiment is still very real and will likely keep popping up, which means that Kofun and Haniwa are still bound to be in danger within their mother’s kingdom. As it’s seen, Kofun just narrowly escaped being killed by a group of dissenters before he was saved by his father, Baba Voss, and taken back to his mother. It would appear that Haniwa is fully ready to make the sightless fear the sighted, as she’s had enough of the threats and the promises of those that think that the sighted are a blight upon society. Religion in the dystopian future is, for lack of a better explanation, another excuse to kill people, and I’d argue with anyone about that.
Maghra is not Sibeth, but that could be a good thing.
There’s no doubt that Sibeth ruled with an iron fist, as she had people killed for little to no reason at times. But Maghra, for all her good intentions, is finding out that being a ruler is not that easy, and it’s not something she would have wished for had she known what was going to happen. Already she’s had to debate killing her sister, she’s had to lock up her husband, and she’s had to play the part of the diplomat by marrying someone to secure her position as queen. Nothing has been going the way she’s wanted it to thus far, and one can’t help but wonder if she’s going to break at some point or if Baba Voss is going to help her out in ways she couldn’t have predicted, such as delivering the news that their enemies are not on the same page and that they have a weapon far deadlier than anything that’s been seen at this point. Right now, it would appear that Maghra is doing her absolute best, and the cracks are beginning to show.
credit: SeeThe real enemy is already known, but who wants in on the act is still uncertain.
There’s no question that the nations are going to be at odds until those who are willing to avenge themselves for the sake of a murderous general are brought to heel, but with an entire nation supporting this, it would appear that the matter is only going to get worse before it gets better. Baba Voss managed to bring a warning, but it might not have been in time since the scientist that initiated the first attack made it clear that the weapon he’d gained control of was going to change things in a very big way. At this time, it would appear that the situation is almost as hopeless as it can possibly get, but there are still ways that things can get worse. One such way has to do with the fact that Sibeth is still around, and she still believes that she has the upper hand. She might not be wrong.
This is supposed to be the final season, which means there are a few more big shocks to come.
It doesn’t appear as though a season 4 is in the cards since this is supposed to be the final season. Wrapping things up in just three seasons feels as though it’s going to be a tense and less than complete story by the time everything is done. It does feel that Baba Voss might not make it to the end, and it’s even possible that Kofun might not be around to raise his son. But so far, as this show has proven, just about anything can happen.
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