My Secret “Albert Pujols Was on Steroids The Whole Time” Conspiracy Theory

It’s kind of sad state of events really since professional baseball used to be something that would never once be questioned when it came to the performance of its players, but one era managed to screw all that up. Unfortunately for Albert Pujols it’s an era he happened to belong to. The use of steroids in the MLB became a very serious problem at this point and thanks to the proliferation of PEDs in the sport everyone that did well was under close scrutiny for a long time. This didn’t mean that everyone was guilty, it simply meant that they were being watched especially close. The reason this was a problem for Pujols was that he had a rapid ascension through the ranks and didn’t seem to stop for breath on his way up.

This conspiracy, whether it’s true or not, has to do exclusively with Pujols and involves deals going on behind closed doors between Pujols and the MLB. Now I know a lot of you want to sit there and believe that back alley deals, so to speak, and shady, clandestine meetings are something you see in the movies and aren’t a part of real life. My only advice to you is this, grow up. Things tend to happen behind closed doors that a lot of us guess at but somehow don’t ever really want to face up to. The likelihood that Pujols was taken behind closed doors and given the green light to use whatever steroids he saw fit is a bit of a stretch, but hear me out.

Pujols was ascending so rapidly that the MLB wanted him to their poster boy, the epitome of what it meant to be an MLB player and the best that the sport had to offer. That’s not a bad idea really, until you get to the steroid part. Not only is it highly illegal and give an athlete a serious advantage over others, but it can severely damage the athlete as well. Steroids are known to cause a number of ill and damaging effects when being used over a long period of time. Athletes can become inordinately aggressive, their health can decline, and it can even lead to death. But in a system where ratings are everything and the top athletes tend to bring in the most tickets this could have easily been something that was brought to the table.

The only item that kind of tears this theory apart is that the idea to give him leave to use the steroids would be one thing. The idea of getting off of them would be much more difficult and would be far more telling of his game suddenly became affected. It might be possibly to step down from using so much in a gradual manner, allowing his decline to look natural, but it would be a long and difficult process, and it might be prone to failure as well.

Keep in mind this is a theory, one that’s based on conjecture and suspicion of the league’s motives. But it’s still something that could have been far too real.


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