Social acceptance is everything to a person. Doesn’t matter how smart you are. In this week’s episode of Scorpion, Walter, and Richard Elia do their best to impress their peers. That is until a hostage situation takes place at a prestigious tech convention.
The hour began with Walter taking Paige to an exclusive club for geniuses called the Vox Collective. The founder of Scorpion wants back into the club, hoping that they will forgive him for poisoning them with E-Coli years ago. Walter O’Brien, human beings are not your lab rats! Therefore you cannot treat them as such when you want to prove a theory! I do commend him, however, for bringing Paige along to help smooth things over as it were.
Then came the hostage situation at the tech convention in the Silicon Valley. The anti-tech thieves ranted about Elia taking the information of the people that use their technology and selling it for profit. The leader demanded the data erased, or Elia would be the first to die. It turns out; the whole thing was a ruse. The thieves wanted the billion dollars that were going towards the banking software that Elia’s company is developing. Yeah, about that. There is no money. Furthermore, the software itself doesn’t work as the code won’t be written for another six months. Consequently, the big presentation at the convention is nothing but smoke and mirrors. In the immortal words of Happy Quinn-Curtis: Not good.
In the end, Sylvester ended up being the hero this time. The human calculator made a fake bank website and fooled the thieves into thinking that they got their money. All the while multitasking with taking the bar exam at Mountpelier in Vermont, which he ended up passing. Guess the proctor was impressed by Sylvester’s accomplishments with Scorpion and his efforts to save the hostages that he rushed the results of the test. I applaud him for using his knowledge of the Law against the detective in charge of the case. Ten points to Gryffindor! Furthermore, I also applaud Paige for her quick thinking in using the trap door and the pre-presentation show to get the hostages to safety as well as Agent Gallo for taking down the two remaining thieves that tried to get away on motorcycles. Team Scorpion for the win!
Final Thoughts:
I commend Agent Gallo for making an effort to pay Team Scorpion back for bailing him out of jail, but it’s entirely unnecessary. They’re family, and you don’t owe them a thing, Agent Gallo! Nevertheless, I pray that you will have your old job back. Being an intern is not your forte.
Where can I get one of that space pod bed thing that Agent Gallo was resting in? It looked pretty comfy! Though on the other hand, it might cost me an arm and a leg since it’s somewhat fancy-looking.
The British accent that Agent Gallo was sporting? Maybe he should have consulted Walter on that since Elyes Gabel is British. Oh, and Paige? Despite the fact that Agent Gallo’s accent is not up to par, it doesn’t mean that you get to criticise him for it. I’d like to see you do better!
Toby and Happy robbing a bank used by criminals? Never thought I’d see the day. Oh, and the whole S.T.O.R.K conception plan? Yeah, just scrap it. If it happens, it happens. If not, there’s always adoption.
Ray’s Scorpion commercial was so cheesy. What is he, stuck in the 80’s or something?
The pure panic Walter was showing when the leader of the thieves wanted to kill Paige just exemplifies that Waige will be just fine. The love these two have for each other is unbreakable. Though I can’t say the same for my Deckerstar. Nevertheless, I have to hold onto the hope that things will work out for them.
I loved the scene where Elias and Vadat were comparing notes in the “Reckless Walter” discussion. Explosive diarrhea beats what Scorpion put Elia through. That, and Walter crashing Elia’s Ferrari.
The ending scene with Team Scorpion pushing Agent Gallo’s car to the nearest garage to get it fixed? Hilarious! Paige Dineen, get out and help push!
Photo via CBS
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