Ringer Episode 17 Recap: Night of 1000 Revelations

Ringer Episode 17Ringer spilled all the beans in this week’s episode. In fact, it was shocking how many secrets were revealed and how many loose plots were tied together when Bridget returned to New York from Paris. Here are the revelations from this week’s Ringer:

Is Andrew a bad man? Absolutely. He and Olivia are prepared to do anything to make sure their Ponzi scheme isn’t made public.

Who wanted Siobhan dead? Apparently Siobhan was confronting Andrew about his criminal activities at Martin/Charles six months ago and he was willing to kill to make sure she remained quiet. Siobhan didn’t believe she could prove her allegations at that time (or fight his money and lawyers) and was afraid for her life, because it turns out that Andrew definitely wanted her dead.

Did Siobhan set up this whole crazy situation? You betcha. She paid the cop in the pilot to scare Bridget into running from Machado. She told Bridget everything she wanted to hear while they were in the Hamptons and then she faked her own death on the boat. She suspected that Bridget was desperate enough to step into her shoes.

What was Siobhan’s ultimate plan? She wanted Bridget to take her place and hoped that Andrew would succeed in killing her. Then she would have to the time to gather all of the necessary information to implicate Martin/Charles. Once she had the evidence, she would reveal that she was alive and bring the evidence to the police.

Will Siobhan ever forgive Bridget for what happened to Sean? Unlikely. Siobhan’s hatred for Bridget runs deep. In fact, she said “when Bridget dies, it will fix everything.”

Who knows the whole truth? Siobhan told Henry the entire story: from admitting that she was sleeping with Tyler to her hatred for Bridget to Andrew’s hitman to her entire plan. She told him that she wants nothing more than to be with him and raise their twins.

What was Siobhan’s next move? Siobhan pretended to be Bridget pretending to be her. She went to Martin/Charles to tell Andrew that he was a criminal who murdered Tyler and that he and Olivia both deserved to be in jail. She did this on purpose to ensure that Andrew would finally follow through on his plan to kill his wife (ie. Bridget).

Ringer Episode 17What was Olivia’s next move? After Siobhan’s performance at the office, Olivia realized that Siobhan could very well expose them and wanted to leave town, saying that Martin/Charles is finished.

What else happened? Machado was desperate to find Malcolm when he learned that he had gone missing instead of turning himself in to testify. Meanwhile, Bridget asked Solomon to help her find Malcolm, which led to her realizing that Andrew is a dangerous man, as well as Solomon’s confession that he knows she’s Bridget and not Siobhan.

Juliet learned the truth about her mother. Juliet returned to town and started crushing on a new guy that she met, but Tessa awoke from her coma in time to tell Juliet that her new boytoy is the man who beat her up. When Juliet went to speak to Catherine about the situation, she finally realized that her mother had hired the man to beat up Tessa. Running off in tears, she told Catherine she never wanted to speak to her again.

What happened to Malcolm? We’re not entirely sure. We know that Andrew visited him, but Siobhan and Solomon were largely unsuccessful in tracking him down. At the end of the episode, Siobhan got a text from Malcolm saying he had gotten a new phone and was laying low. He invited her to the loft from the pilot. While Solomon went to investigate the second floor, Andrew appeared. He didn’t seem to know about the text that Malcolm allegedly sent, but Malcolm never appeared in the episode. Right now, he’s really the only loose end.

Is Andrew a bad man? Let’s revisit this question, because by the end of the episode Andrew didn’t come to the loft to kill Siobhan/Bridget. He told her that he loved her and, even though she hated him, he still wanted her. As Machado arrived at the loft, he heard shots. It turns out that someone else was in the loft and tried to kill Bridget, but Andrew took the bullet for her.

What a crazy, information-filled, but ultimately confusing Ringer. So it seems like Andrew wanted Siobhan dead, but when he fell in love with her again, he was willing to die to save her even though she could have him thrown in jail. What do you think about Andrew? Is he a good man or not? Was Siobhan really telling the truth and Andrew was the one who hired the first hitman or is there another plot twist coming down the road? Will Andrew survive?

Tune in to a new episode of Ringer on March 20 to find out.

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