10 Things You Didn’t Know about Richa Moorjani

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Richa Moorjani

Richa Moorjani has all of the makings of a superstar. She’s charming, talented, beautiful, and well-spoken. Thanks to the new show, Never Have I Ever, Richa is finally getting a chance to truly show the world. Although she’s had several roles before being cast on Never Have I Ever, none of them have allowed her to shine quite her portrayal of Kamala. If you haven’t gotten a chance to see the show yet, Kamala is Devi, the main character’s cousin. She’s from India and is in the United States studying for her PhD. Richa’s work in the role has truly made Kamala an interesting and three dimensional character. Continue reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Richa Moorjani.

1. She’s Worked With Mindy Kaling Before

I think everyone on the cast of Never Have I Ever would agree that the chance to work with Mindy Kaling is a dream come true. And for Richa, it’s a dream that has come true twice. In 2012, Richa appeared on an episode of The Mindy Project.

2. She Worked With A Dialect Coach To Perfect The Accent

Speaking in another accent and actually making it sound authentic isn’t an easy thing to do. Richa put a lot of time and effort into making sure that her accent was as good as possible. She told Brown Girl Magazine, “The one thing I had to work on the most for the role was the accent–which I had a dialect coach for and also watched hours and hours of YouTube videos. It also helped that I am half South-Indian and have many relatives who speak with a similar accent to what I was going for.”

3. She’s Lived In India

Richa was born and raised in the United States, but she is very in tune with her Indian heritage. She spent a lot of time visiting India as a child. She even moved to Mumbai for a few years to pursue her acting career.

4. She Met Her Husband On A Dating App

Although dating apps have become much more popular over the last few years, most people are still embarrassed to admit that they use them. However, Richa isn’t one of those people. She and her husband met on a dating app specifically geared towards South Asian singles living in America. When Richa initially signed up for the app, she was a little skeptical, but once she and her husband met she knew she found the one.

5. She Beat Out Thousands Of People For The Role Of Kamala

Even though Richa had worked with Mindy Kaling in the past, that didn’t mean she had an automatic in when it came to the audition process. More than 12,000 people auditioned for the role of Kamala before Richa was chosen as the lucky actress.

6. Her Parents Started A Band Together

Although arranged marriages are common in the Indian community, Richa’s parents had what is considered a “love marriage”. They met while Richa’s father was studying for his PhD. They eventually started a Bollywood band with some of their friends, and they still perform today.

7. She’s Always Loved To Entertain

A knack for performing is something that Richa has felt since she was very young. In addition to her parents being involved in music, her sister is also a singer. It was only a matter of time before Richa decided that she also wanted to be an entertainer. She started acting as a teen and hasn’t looked back since.

8. She’s A Fan Of Little Fire Everywhere

Like everybody else, quarantine has resulted in Richa Moorjani watching more TV than usual. One of her current favorite shows is the Hulu hit, Little Fires Everywhere, which stars Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington. If you haven’t seen it and you’re looking for something to watch, it’s definitely worth checking out.

9. If She Wasn’t Acting She’d Be A Therapist

At this point, it’s hard to imagine Richa doing anything other than acting. After all, it would be a shame for all of that natural talent to go to waste. However, if she wasn’t acting, she says she’d be following in her mother’s footsteps and pursuing a career as a therapist.

10. She Believes Her Character Helps Break Stereotypes

Like many of her co-stars on Never Have I Ever, Richa Moorjani hopes and believes that the show will break stereotypes. She understands the importance of representation and thinks the show does a great job showing the diversity of the Indian community. Specifically, she hopes that her character will help show viewers a different side of arranged marriages.

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