Remembering Verne Troyer

Remembering Verne Troyer

Right at this moment it’s not hard to remember Verne Troyer since the image of Mini-Me is still fresh in the minds of many people, as are the instants on TV when he was seen playing himself or other various roles. How many people would know of the many other roles he played however? How many Potterphiles would know that he played the part of Griphook in the first movie? It’s not likely that a lot of his accomplishments were known by any but the most diligent fans and those that have had the chance to look now that Troyer has passed on. Sadly he passed away on April 21st at the age of 49, though details surrounding his passing are few. Apparently he’d been admitted to rehab recently to deal with a bout of alcoholism. Whatever the cause however one thing is certain, and that’s the fact that many people are going to lament another star passing on, and at a young age at that.

Troyer was around for longer than it took his part as Mini-Me to be noticed, but ever since his inclusion in Austin Powers: The Spy that Shagged Me, his fame took off like a rocket. He had over a dozen movies under his belt by the time the role that made him so popular came around, but mostly it was as stunt double and as characters that didn’t allow people to fully recognize him. Not until Austin Powers was he really allowed to be known, and from that point things just kept getting better. Verne’s life wasn’t without controversy however as he appeared on a couple of reality TV shows, one in which he was caught by his housemates urinating on a wall. There was also the matter of his marriage to model Genevieve Gallen, which was annulled the very next day. Troyer made it clear that the marriage was a sham as it was just a way for Gallen to gain a little more exposure for herself.

There were other instances in his life that were less than stellar, but most of the time that he wasn’t in front of the camera or the crowds Troyer was living a rather calm and peaceful life. If you can recall on this site there was even a clip of him putting together his own electric car that helped him to cruise down the street at a daunting six miles an hour. Yes, it was a kids’ toy car, but with his diminutive stature Troyer found it quite comfy. He was kind of a quirky character but he was a lot of fun and obviously had a lot of talent and a great sense of humor. Every time he was onscreen he was ready to go and delivered a great performance. Even as Mini-Me, when he spoke perhaps once in the entire movie, he was absolutely great.

Whether or not the details come out quickly or are withheld for a time it won’t matter. Troyer was a fun and interesting actor to watch. Rest in peace sir.

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