Raven’s Home Review: The Great Makeup Debate

Raven's Home

Raven’s Home promised to have the same amount of fun antics as its predecessor. Just as importantly, the show promised to be about talking to kids instead of at them. Thus far, the show is living up to its promises. It helps that Raven is just as funny as she was when she was a teenager. She was up to so much in her youth, it’s only natural that she has kids who do the same. Thus we get to see Raven on the other side in a disciplinary capacity, and the result is a bit mixed in its execution. Raven is a good mother, but is she a good disciplinarian?

Booker tries to help Levi when a vision warns him his little buddy is going to get crushed in dodgeball. He ends up nearly crushing the boy himself when he crashes Levi’s gym class and gets a little power hungry. Booker’s last-minute mercy works in Levi’s favor, and it’s a miracle they don’t get in trouble. Of course, that is because Raven and Chelsea get into their own trouble.

Something I was excited about was to find out what Raven does for a living. She did achieve her dream of becoming a clothing designer, just one for dog’s clothes. We always knew Raven was creative and loved a challenge. This is the same woman who once turned the inside of her jacket into a storage unit for all of the contents of her purse! However, Raven hasn’t given up her own shenanigans. She only got her job by letting her boss believe that Booker and Nia were puppies, and the resulting cover-up gets Raven more than a little messy.

Which brings us to the point where messy and upset Raven becomes even more upset, parental Raven. Raven refuses to let Nia wear makeup, and of course, Nia wastes no time in breaking the rules. Not only does she wear makeup, she ends up throwing a party with older kids on the roof. Raven finds out, but sits down for a talk with her daughter instead of a long lecture. What I liked about their conversation was Raven’s ready answer to Nia questioning Raven on why she can wear makeup: “I’m old, I got kids, and I’m tired.” So often kids try to turn the conversation around on the adults to prove some kind of double standard. Parents have to come up with a better answer than “because I’m the adult.” However, I don’t know of any parent who would consider 3 weeks grounding a harsh enough punishment for throwing a party with older kids. But hey, that’s Disney. Ragers aren’t exactly apropos to the tween channel.

Is Raven a good disciplinarian? Is it taking a bit too long for Booker’s inherited abilities to take center stage?


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