Photo: Ben Mark Holzberg/CBS
Tonight on Salvation is the fallout from last week’s explosive episode. (If you missed it, check out my recap-review of Coup de Grace.) Think of the opening of Star Wars: Return of Jedi. Things got worse before they got better. Expect the same tonight on Salvation. The things getting worse part will be in full affect!
First of all, the teaser after Coup de Grace had the tech genius Darius Tanz (Santiago Cabrera) seemingly telling the Pentagon Press Secretary Grace Barrows (Jennifer Finnigan) that she’s betrayed him in some way. Editing can be deceptive, so we’ll have to wait and see. If that’s the case thought – yikes! So much for Moscow!
Then we’ve got the CBS episode synopsis.
“All In” — Grace and Harris must forge an alliance when their children’s lives are in jeopardy. Also, Liam presents Jillian with an unusual proposal, on SALVATION,
Are we thinking kidnapping? If so, it might be on orders from the new POTUS (Sasha Roiz).
Tonight on Salvation: Harris and Grace
Meanwhile. Grace and the newly minted Acting Secretary of Defense Harris (Ian Anthony Dale) must form “an alliance.” If you’re just tuning in to CBS’s Salvation this might not seem difficult. The problem is these two are recently estranged lovers who haven’t officially ended things. Watch that underlying anger and resentment simmer and burn in this Salvation sneak peek!
Whoa! Grace is so done with him! Harris on the other hand…. It seems he’s not ready to let her go, despite all that’s happened.
You know how the very thing you love about a person can also infuriate you? That’s Harris about Grace. She’s always more in touch…with humanity. Harris is so compartmentalized he can’t see the trees of the forest.
Yes, you read that correctly. Harris is so focused on the big picture he’s dismissive of the smaller details – like activists. How does someone with such a high-level security clearance not have concern about the whereabouts of his son and the people he hangs out with? Most parents are aware their kids are more savvy with computers then they are. Plus terrorist groups of all stripes recruit on-line. Considering the leak of the Project Atlas information and the mad-as-hell Russians, you would think Grace’s news would register as something to at be concerned about.
Tonight on Salvation: Darius and Tess!
CBS has released a second Salvation sneak peek – and it’s a doozy!
Sorry, but I still don’t trust the way that Tess (Autumn Reeser) showed up not wearing her wedding ring last week. This isn’t only due to her chat with Nicholas Tanz (John Noble.) Yes, he is the cold-hearted bastard of an uncle to Darius. However, it could just be she’s got to give Nicholas a full report because Darius suggested her be appointed the new CEO of Tanz.
Granted, we have no idea why she’d be experienced enough for such a task. Perhaps that’s why she would get the job. Nicholas would think she’d be easily manipulated.
On the other hand, what Tess thought before she walked in those doors is likely very different from what she believed before. We also could be witnessing a woman having second thoughts on what she’d planned, or been tasked, to do. After all, we still don’t know who her husband is.
The whole “we’re separated” story she’s given Darius feels too convenient in its timing. For all we know, Tess may have been convinced that Darius was responsible for the murder of her brother, Lazlo (Aaron Poole). Remember, at one point the president’s adviser, Claire Rayburn (Erica Luttrell), said if Darius had vetted the professor the murder and stolen EM-Drive wouldn’t have happened. Things may look cosy between Darius and Tess now – but I’m keeping an eye on Tess.
Tonight on Salvation: It’s Not All Doom and Gloom
There does seem to be one ray of sunshine in Salvation episode 11. Liam Cole (Charlie Rowe) and Jillian Hayes (Jacqueline Byers have apparently patched things up.

Photo: Ben Mark Holzberg benmark.ca/CBS
I wonder what Liam’s “unusual proposal” will be? You don’t think he’ll ask her to marry him, do you? Like, no way! It has to be something else. Right? So what if they think the end of the world is coming…hmm. Oh well, I guess we’ll find out tonight on Salvation – 9pm ET on CBS!
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