Pretty Little Liars 3.08 Review: Just When You Think You Know Someone…

Pretty Little Liars 3.08 Review: Just When You Think You Know Someone…

Pretty Little Liars 3.08 "Stolen Kisses"Just when you thought Rosewoood’s finest had enough secrets and lies to carry a daily soap opera and a spinoff for decades, Pretty Little Liars dropped more crazy revelations that made you second guess the characters we’ve come to love for the past three seasons. So, all those “Test Your Pretty Little Liars Knowledge” quizzes you took are unfortunately for naught after this episode. Well, at least for two characters at least.

After being smacked in the face yet again with something Maya related (in this case, her dead girlfriend’s website), Emily learned that she ended up on Paige’s porch the night of her drunken haze through Rosewood. The messed up part about the incident was that Emily and Paige made out, even though Paige knew damn well that Emily was drunk off her ass. Emily had no recollection about the kiss, but was unnerved nevertheless, as she should have been. After talking with Nate about doing something without knowing that you are doing it, Emily realized that maybe she was long overdue for some type of happiness in her life. Having a change of heart, Emily reconciled with Paige with a kiss. Yay.

As much as I’ve whined about Emily needing some happiness in her life, Paige was the last person I would have wanted her to end with. Yes, I have not gotten over Paige’s first season torment of Emily, but my complete ire of Paige is more than that. She just doesn’t seem stable to me and I can’t help but think that she might hurt Emily again some time in the future. It doesn’t take much to get Paige riled up and she could be easy fodder for ‘A’ to toy with. Hopefully another headstrong girl will come to town and make Paige a faint blip in Emily’s history.

While Emily was learning more about herself, we found out that Ezra is not the guy we thought he was. His last name is actually Fitzgerald instead of “Fitz” and his folks are freaking loaded. So it would only be standard for Ezra’s mother to be a stone cold meany, one who made sure to let Aria that she will be damned if Aria ruins her son’s life. To add insult to injury, with bourgeois flare no less, Mrs. Fitzgerald insinuated that Aria was the reason for all the Montgomerys’ problems, including the recent divorce of Byron and Ella. If you didn’t think Mrs. Fitzgerald didn’t need a slap then I don’t want to know you.

As much as I do not care (at. all!) for the Ezria relationship phenomenon, Pretty Little Liars 3.08 "Stolen Kisses"I can clearly see why Ezra kept Mrs. Fitzgerald and his family hidden like a bloody murder weapon. The woman was stone cold and didn’t even have an ounce of sympathy for what she did wrong. What I wish I could have seen was Aria confiding in Ella about the ordeal instead of Byron, who I completely loathe at the moment (more on that later). Ella would have brought that fire to Snow Queen Fitzgerald, making the icy witch rethink mincing her words the next time she sees Aria. Can we get that scene, writers? Please and thank you.

While we were learning new things about Ezra and Emily, Spencer and Hanna took on the task of carrying the mystery portion of the show this week. Hanna had to make sure that the asylum wouldn’t transfer Mona to another facility far from Rosewood, especially since Mona just gave them a viable clue to work with. They also found out that Mona hasn’t been taking her meds and might have smuggled them out through one of her many visitors who come to see her. Um, Lucas anyone? Plus, ‘A’ let the girls know that they are still in the area and that once she’s done with Mona, Hanna’s next. Say what?!

The person asking for Hanna’s help in this was Wren, who I think Pretty Little Liars is trying to pair with Hanna on a romantic tip. I’m going to ask them to stop that and let Caleb return home to Hanna like the good Lord intended him to.

Speaking of Caleb, he helped Spencer crack the password to Maya’s website, which was a given when the website was introduced last week. I really wished Spencer would have talked Caleb into trying to reconcile with Hanna, but the light banter on name brand clothes and money was acceptable. Now if the writers will just keep the banter at that level and not try to force Caleb and Spencer together, then we are gucci.

As for Maya’s website, there were a ton of vlogs to go through and most of them dealt with Maya and Emily and other miscellaneous things. Of course there was one video that spelled trouble, but was it one of many or was it Maya’s last?

And finally, Spencer and Aria discovered just how Maya died by sifting through Mrs. Hastings’ court papers for the Garrett Reynolds case. They also found a witness, who allegedly saw Maya get into a police car the night of her murder, but I heavily doubt that Garrett was driving the car. Maybe it was Detective Wilden? Let’s hope it was Detective Wilden…

One last tidbit to note was Toby’s promise to get to the bottom of Spencer’s shadiness of late, which he thought might be connected to Jason DiLaurentis leaving town. This doesn’t sound good at all for the resident bad boy and I pray he doesn’t have anything to do with the Big Betrayal coming up soon. That would be trés tragic if he was…

So what did you guys think about last night’s Pretty Little Liars? What’s this Big Betrayal thing going on? Do you guys like Paige? Let me know why…

Photo Credit: ABC Family

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