Poll Says Games of Thrones is The Greatest Show of the 21st Century

Poll Says Games of Thrones is The Greatest Show of the 21st Century

Obviously quite a few people were going to argue with this one since Game of Thrones took off in a big way and was one of the most talked-about shows when it was still getting started. But somewhere along the line, it started to feel as though it was slipping in a big way. It didn’t help that George R.R. Martin, the author, hadn’t even finished the series, but what really started to kill GoT was the final season, which felt way too rushed and could have possibly been stretched out a bit longer. Unfortunately, the creators were apparently ready to call it done and move on, which was hard for a lot of fans to take since up until that point, with a few slips here and there, the series had been great. GoT featured some of the greatest battle scenes possible, and some of the best character arcs that people had seen in a long time. There were those characters that many felt should have perished earlier, and some that should have lasted longer, but people were still willing to watch since it was a compelling tale and they wanted to see how it would end. But the way it ended felt like a giant slap to the senses considering that it was over in what felt like a heartbeat, with the easiest of solutions being reached in a manner that was pretty inventive but was still executed in a manner that felt a little, awkward.

The fact that GoT beat out Breaking Bad and Stranger Things isn’t too hard to believe but to a lot of fans, it might still feel as though the numbers might have been skewed somehow. To be fair, each show has been covered in a big way from inception to the final episode and has managed to capture the attention of a large number of fans. Many of those that like one show might like the others, but the general feeling is that GoT did kind of trip and faceplant at the end. Arya killing the Night King, Daenerys finding that she was unable to destroy the Night King with dragon’s fire, Jon Snow facing down an undead dragon without being roasted, then killing Daenerys at the end, all of it conspired to become something that was initially quite impressive but went on to become something that made fans cry in outrage and confusion. There are plenty of viewers that would urge others to see the positive side of the final season of GoT, but at the same time, it’s hard to justify this since what was a great show really started to slip in the seasons leading up to the finale.

In season 5 things felt a little dry, but the show was still easy enough to watch since the characters were still moving forward, despite the apparent stagnation that was occurring. Thankfully as season 6 came along things started to pick up again and the overall feeling of the show was returned in the manner that people find entertaining and stimulating. But again as season 8, which was highly anticipated and expected to be one of the greatest cappers to any series, was about to unfold, people were setting their expectations abnormally high. There was a reason for it, of course, Daenerys was coming closer to the goal of returning to Kings Landing, where her family had met their untimely demise and had been forced to flee or accept their fate. The showdown between the Mother of Dragons and Cersei had already seen an insane amount of casualties, but the fact that the Night King and his minions were on their way towards the Wall and were sweeping into Westeros with a vengeance was even more chilling, no pun intended. This battle was so greatly anticipated that it was kind of a letdown when it ended the way it did. But still, people obviously thought that GoT deserved more recognition for the series as a whole and didn’t judge it entirely on the final season, which would have likely tanked it without question. There’s a point of interest to note here though that many people don’t always take the time to note. Every show has a calamity that people don’t agree with.

It can be a bad episode, a bad season, or it can be a string of unwanted occurrences, actors, or plot points that don’t make sense to the fans. The point is that every show has them, and every show suffers from time to time, but the overall feel of the show is what people tend to remember. From start to finish it was determined that GoT was the most popular show of the 21st century at this point, and it’s hard to argue since it does have several interesting characters and plot points. But people are entitled to their opinions, and it’s likely that many folks will continue to state that they believe that GoT was great, but was not at the top of their list. Personally, it would be at the top of mine.

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