Parks and Recreation 3.07 “Harvest Festival” Review

“There are two things I know about white people: they love Matchbox Twenty, and they are terrified of curses.”

Parks and Recreation 3.07 “Harvest Festival” ReviewWhat a sad, lonely three weeks it’s been since the last episode of Parks and Recreation graced our televisions. (Not really, but the show was certainly missed.) During that last episode, ‘Indianapolis,’I pointed out that although very little actually happened, the episode was still a great success. This week, the Harvest Festival is finally upon us. Lots of things were happening, and most of them were going against the Parks Department, but the episode was one of the best of the series.

Everything had been building up to the Harvest Festival, and this week we get the culmination of all that hard work by Leslie and crew, with a little help from a little horse named Li’l Sebastian. Everyone was extremely pleased to have him around except Ben, who just didn’t understand what was so great about him. The first and last scene of the episode had Ben flummoxed, and both were hilarious. Adam Scott is about as good as it gets.

Joan Callamezzo returned to sniff around for something terrible happening, and almost left without hearing anything negative until the word ‘curse’was mentioned. The media storm followed and even Perd returned, and then things started to go very downhill for the Festival. Of course, hilarity ensued. The entire cast was at the top of their game, but that’s become a weekly occurrence.

Ann and Donna shared some time and after Ann opened up, Donna gave her two bits of advice. The first was to keep that inside, and the second was to use the Jersey Shore wannabe that was hitting on her in the medical tent. She took both, and it will be interesting to see how far that goes in helping her deal with the breakup.

Andy and April were their odd and entertaining selves. April tells Andy that she loves him, and he replies ‘Dude, shut up! That is awesomesauce!’She was so angered she said she was considering moving to Venezuela, but in the end Ron was able to play Dad (in the dark, on the ferris wheel) and fix the situation, as well as help Tom and Jerry through their bickering.

After everything was settled, watching Ron and Tom on the train (can someone please make a .gif of that immediately!?) and April and Andy on the carousel, it felt like we all won. When Pawnee and the Parks Department win, we all win. And right now, Parks and Recreation (with their renewal announcement and another great episode) is winning so much that Charlie Sheen should be jealous. Grade: A

More funniness:
“There’s a lot of people who don’t consider salad a food.”

How great was that re-enactment?

‘Curse Watch’on the news was hilarious.

‘We need a bird’s eye view.’
‘Do you want me to climb on top of the ferris wheel?’

‘I do love you. That’s what makes the sauce so awesome.’

‘It took us four hours to solve that maze. It took the horse 15 minutes. Jerry’s still out there.’

(Note: the poster above is by the great Mike Mitchell and was found here.)

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