Jessica Jones Season 1 Episode 3 Review: “AKA It’s Called Whiskey”
By now, the basic premise of Marvel’s Jessica Jones has been established, and the majority of our characters have been introduced. From here on out, st
By now, the basic premise of Marvel’s Jessica Jones has been established, and the majority of our characters have been introduced. From here on out, st
Bertram Chickering Jr., of The Knick and The Knickerbocker, is a man born a hundred years too early. His softness, kindness, and overall compassion are out
I keep waiting for Captain America to pop on-screen and just be like, “Language, Jessica.” I say that in the best possible way. As Chris mentioned
After cancelling last week’s episode because of the Paris attacks, Undateable‘s third season continued with “An Origin Story Walks Into A B
The Castle Season 8 winter finale is upon us, and after last week’s episode, fans are eager to see what Castle 8×08 has in store. In “The Las
“Novus Ordo Seclorum,” or New Order of the Ages, couldn’t be a better-suited title for this mid-season finale of Sleepy Hollow. Operation Sa
“Godparent Maze Mexican Farts” feels like a completely different show than the seven episodes of Life in Pieces preceding it. Centered around a s
That can’t be the end of Jody’s storyline, can it? After opening Mom‘s third season with such strong entries, “Mozzarella Sticks and
Thanksgiving is generally a happy holiday when families gather and enjoy each other’s company. By that loose definition, it certainly does not sound l