The hunt for Hizb al-Shahid’s mysterious leader Jibral Disah is back on once again in this week’s episode of Madam Secretary as Henry begins his n
Tiffany C. Lockhart
March 7, 2016
Superheroes are a great breed of character. Let’s face it. They save us when we are in need and you rarely if ever see them fail to get the job done.�
Aiden Mason
March 7, 2016
Has it really been nine seasons since four intrepid Bigfoot researchers began their quest for the legendary creature on Animal Planet’s ongoing “Findi
Ryan Vandergriff
March 7, 2016
We’re getting closer and closer to the end of The Bachelor and each episode is getting more interesting. Tonight is no different. On “Women Te
Aiden Mason
March 7, 2016
Carol’s baking again, which is never a good sign for The Walking Dead: there aren’t many signs more ominous than Carol in the kitchen, fretting o
Randy Dankievitch
March 7, 2016