A.I. Turns Head Shots Into Cartoon Characters
At this point it feels like a giant ‘duh’ moment to realize that AI is only as perfect as the people that created it and to be fair, humans aren
At this point it feels like a giant ‘duh’ moment to realize that AI is only as perfect as the people that created it and to be fair, humans aren
Many people know Gwendolyn Osborn-Smith from her marriage to retired NBA player and current sports analyst, Kenny Smith. What many people don’t know is
There’s a feeling that less is more sometimes and it definitely applied to Morena Baccarin’s role as Vanessa in the Deadpool sequel since while sh
Getting the chance to work on a show like Dancing with the Stars is a dream come true for most professional dancers. Now it’s a dream that Pasha Pashkov
Innovation and imagination never really stops when it comes to pop culture since there are legions of fans out there that are more than willing to do one thin
To say that acting is in Jack Quaid’s blood would be an understatement. As the son of Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid, Jack is a direct descendent of Hollywoo
The reason why Harry Styles might be the perfect Starfox has to do with the fact that he looks young enough and that he’s a very handsome man who happen
2020 is shaping up to be one of the biggest years of Aubrey Dollar’s career. Since making her on screen debut in the 1992 film Children of the Corn II:
Does it sound morbid to anyone else that even one person is excited to hear about this series coming up? Granted, a lot of us do enjoy a good murder series or