Why Wong Should be Given a Solo Movie/TV Series
The Doctor Strange movie was one of those that openly challenged Marvel fans and what they think, or what they know, or what they think they know, about the M
The Doctor Strange movie was one of those that openly challenged Marvel fans and what they think, or what they know, or what they think they know, about the M
Tamera McLaughlin is no stranger to adversity. As a little person, she has had to overcome more challenges than most people can even imagine. Despite the thin
There are those times when the actors that take part in a movie or TV show are actually true to life for the most part, which is kind of interesting since it
When you have a father as well-known as Mike Holmes, it could be easy to simply become known as “Mike Holmes’ daughter”. Sherry Holmes, howe
Over the last few years, the idea that gender isn’t binary has become more and more popular. Now, instead of only identifying as men or women, there are
It’s very easy for a lot of people to become judgmental of those that have become addicted to one substance or another, especially if those people have
She’s talented, and not just in the acting world. She’s a writer, and she’s also a vocalist, and she can improvise anything you ask her to do. She’s m
Even to this day, postal workers tend to get a lot of flak sometimes when people’s mail is messed up or they don’t get it in the timely manner tha
She certainly has a memorable name, but she’s more than just the name she was given at birth. She’s a television actress from India, and she’s good at w