Our Picks for the Top 5 Coolest Looking Titan Armor Sets in Destiny 2

destiny 2 armor titan

Armor has always been one of the highly sought after gear pieces in Destiny and Destiny 2 – it’s a staple of any looter shooter, looter brawler, or just any game that involves loot. I absolutely loved the armor in Destiny 1 and my favorite was by far the Taken armor that gave the wearer an entire suit of Taken goo (or whatever you want to call it) – basically it just made you look like one of the Taken and it was the coolest thing in the whole game. What makes Destiny’s armor all the more fun is that there’s 3 different classes that each have their own armor sets to find throughout the game, but we’re going to be focusing on the Titan class for now. Unfortunately, while Destiny 2 still does have some pretty cool looking armor sets, none of it truly lives up to the Destiny 1 potential, mostly because there’s a completely different aesthetic going on with Destiny 2 compared to the original game. That being said, which armor sets for the Titan class in Destiny 2 do we think are the coolest in the game?

5. Wing Discipline Suit

The Wing Discipline Suit is the Forsaken era Crucible armor set and I really like the Titan’s version of this armor. There’s something about the legs and the helmet that just look really cool to me, and for some reason the helmet kind of reminds me of “Ren” from the Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren limited-run comic series. Maybe that’s why I like this Titan armor set so much, but I just think it’s cool.

4. Dreambane Suit

Okay, look I know that the first thing that people think of when they see the Titan Dreambane Suit is that it looks like a big giant astronaut with guns, and yes, that is exactly why I love this Titan armor set so much! Who doesn’t want to look like a badass astronaut swinging around a Sweet Business (underrated Exotic Auto Rifle, in my opinion), coming back to the Tower to inform the Vanguard that the Moon is, in fact, haunted? (Man, I love that meme; such a classic.) Anyway, my favorite piece from this armor set is definitely the helmet, because it reminds me of an astronaut and it’s just very fitting.

3. Crystocrene Suit

I wasn’t a huge fan of the Europa armor sets that came with Beyond Light, especially with the Warlock’s armor, because it made my Warlock feel unnecessarily clunky, which is why it’s perfect for the Titan class! Titans are unnecessarily clunky and this armor set is absolutely perfect for them for this specific reason! I’m also just a pretty big fan of the helmet and the purple and blue lighting on the visor – it’s very techy, which makes sense given that the entirety of the Beyond Light expansion revolves around Clovis Bray and his tech facility. Anyway, I like the Crystocrene Suit for Titan a whole lot better than the Warlock’s version of the armor set.

2. Legacy’s Oath Suit

I said earlier that one of my favorite Warlock armor sets was the Legacy’s Oath Suit from the Deep Stone Crypt Raid in the Beyond Light expansion, because of the technology that is quite literally oozing out of it, and the same applies for the Titan variant of this armor set. The helmet is super blocky and the entire set is very colorful; I love the entire aesthetic for the Deep Stone Crypt – it’s just fantastically done.

1. Noble Constant Suit

Okay, this might be a bit of a controversial pick, but the Titan’s armor set from the base game when Destiny 2 first launched in 2017. Back in vanilla Destiny 2, there wasn’t a whole heck of a lot of armor to grind for, because there wasn’t a whole heck of a lot of activities in the game at the time, but I have always loved the way that the base class armor looks for all of the classes, but specifically Titan. I don’t know why, but I’m always drawn to it. I think it looks awesome, the colors pair nicely and I have so many memories from the original version of Destiny 2 that it always reminds me of those times.

While I don’t main Titan, I still do play the class on occasion, so I do like to have a nice looking set of armor to go with him. Of course, now that Armor Synthesis is a thing, I suppose I don’t really need to worry about that. I still think that most of the Titan armor is lacking across the board, and I hope that Bungie shows them some love here pretty soon.

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